Though someone is chasing you to take you life, the life of My Master will be bound in a bundle of I Am your God while the life of your enemies, he will hurl like a stone from a sling shot. When I Am has done for My Master all he has promised all the good things and makes you leader of Israel, then My Master will not have a guilty conscience for the stumbling and staggering blood shed without reason having avenged himself. David said Praise I Am God of Israel who has sent you today to meet me. Blessed is your advice, blessed because you have kept me this day from blood shed avenging my hand. Or else by the Life of I Am God of Israel kept me from harm. You were quick in coming to meet me because by morning there would not have been left a single man who could piss against a wall. Then David accepted from her hand what she had brought him and said go home in peace. I have heard your request and granted it. When Abigail went to Nabal he was in the house with a banquet like a king. Nabal was happy and drunk so she told him nothing of the consequences until morning. Sober in the morning Nabal when his wife told him these things, his heart failed him and he had a stroke. For ten days like this struck by I Am and then Nabal died. David when he heard that Nabal had died said 'Praise I Am who held this insult from the hand of Nabal but kept his servant from getting it wrong, for the wrong of Nabal which I Am brought down upon his head Then David asked Abigail if she would be his wife. The servants of David went to Abigail at Carmel and said David has sent us to take you to him to be his wife. She rose bowed face down to the ground and said your slave is ready to wash the feet of the servants of My Master. Quickly Abigail rose got on the donkey with five of her servants loking after her and went with the angels (messengers-Ed OK you are right-paul) of David becoming his wife. He had married Ahinoam of Jezreel so they were both wives of David. But Saul had given Michel his daughter David's wife to Palti son of Laich from Gallim.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Father of the Revolution Abu- Gael
+Now Samuel died and all Israel assembled and mourned him and buried him at Ramah. the David got up and moved into the desert of Paran. A man had land a Carmel who was seriously wealthy, he had 3,000 sheep a thousand goats and was sheep shearing at Carmel. His name was Nabal and his wife was Abigail, highly intelligent, beautiful but her husband was mean stroppy in his dealings a Calebite. In the desert David heard about the shearing of Nabal's sheep. So David sent ten lads. David said to them. Go to Carmel to Nabal greeting him with Sahlom (Peace). Tell him, 'Life and health to your house, life and health to you' I've heard that it is shearing. when your shepherds were with us they weren't mistreated in any way by us and nothing of theirs was taken all the time they were with us at Carmel. Ask them, they will tell you. show favor to us lads since we come at a time oc celebration. Now give whatsoever your hand would to your servants and your son David. David's men arrived and gave Nabal that message in David's name and waited. Nabal answered; 'Who is this David who is the son of Jesse. these days servants are rebelling from their masters. Should I take my bread, water, and meat that I have killed for my shearers and give it to men i don't know where they come from ? He turned David's men away and they went back arriving to tell all these words. David said to his men, Everyone put on your swords, so they put on their swords and David also put on his sword. They went with David about 400 men with 200 staying with the supplies. Abigail wife of Nabal was told by a servant; "Look David sent messengers to give our master his greeting but he insulted them. these me3n were good to us, didn't mistreat us and nothing of ours was taken at the time when we were with them herding sheep. Consider it and see what you can do for disaster is now heading for our master and his house. He is wicked and no one can talk to him. Abigail hurried and took 200 loaves of bread, five skins of wine, five butchered sheep, five sacks of musli, 200 portions of dried grapes, 200 of figs and loaded donkeys, then told her servants; Go ahead of me and I'm coming after you following along. But she didn't tell her husband Nabal. She was on a donkey descending a ravine and there was David and his men descending and she met them. David said 'What a waste of time watching over this man in the desert so that nothing was missed. He paid back with evil for good. May God deal with the enemies of David and more if by the morning I leave alive one able to piss against a wall. When Abigail saw David she quickly got off her donkey and fell face down before David falling at his feet. She said 'My Master let the blame fall on me and let me speak now your slave (amah) speak. May your ears hear words of your slave May not My Master think about the wicked man Nabal whose name literally means 'fool' but I your slave didn't see the men of My Master who you sent. Now My Master I Am lives, as you live because he has kept you from killing to avenge your hand. May they be like Nabal all your enemies who intend to harm you my master. Now accept this gift which your slave has brought to your My Master, may it be given to your men who followed you My Master. Forgive the insult of your slave for I Am he will make you, you My master an enduring family line for you fight the battles of I am. Let the no wrong doing be found in you in your life.
Watching paint dry
And Jesus was about 30 years old at the beginning. Supposed to be a descendant of Joseph Joseph a descendant of Heli and Heli a descendant of Malthat, Malthat a descendant of Levi, Levi a descendant of Melchi, Melchi a descendant of Jannei, Jannei a descendant of Joseph, Joseph a descendant of Mattathais, Mattathias a descendnat of Amos, Amos a descendant of Nahum, Nahum a descendnant of Esli, Esli a descendant of Haggai, Haggai a descendnat of Maath, Matth a descendant of Mattathais, Mattathais a descendant of Semein, Semein a descendant of Joseph , Joseph a descendant of Joda, Joda a descendant of Joanan, Joanan a descendant of Rhea, Rhea a descendant of Zerubbabel, Zerubabbel a descendnat of Shealteil, Shealteil a descendant of Neri, Neri a descendant of Melchi, Melchi a descendnat of Addi, Addi a descendant of Cosaan, Cosaan a descendant of Elmadam, Elmadam a descendant of Er, Er a descendant of Joshua, Joshua a descendant of Eliezar, Eliazar a descendant of Jorm, Jorm a descendant of Matthat, Matthat a descendant of Levi, Levi a descendant of Simeon, Simeon a descendant of Judah, Judah a descendant of Joseph, Joseph a descendant of Jonam, Jonam a descendant of Eliakim, Eliakim a descendant of Melea Mela a descendant of Menna, Menna a descendant of of Mattatha, Mattatha a descendant of Nathan, Nathan a descendant of David, David a descendant of Jesse, Jesse a descendant of Obed, Obed a descendant of Boaz, Boaz a descendant of Salom, Salom a descendant of Nahshon, Nahshon a descendant of Amminadad, Amminadad a descendant of Admin, Admin a descendant of Ani, Arni a descendant of Hezron, Hezron a descendant of Peraz, Peras a descendant of Judah, Judah a descendant of Jacob, Jacob a descendant of Issac, Issac a descendant of Abraham, Abraham a descendant of Terah, Terah a descendant of Nahor, Nahor a descendant of Serung, Srung a descendant of Reu, Reu a descendant of Peleg, Peleg a descendant of Eber, Eber a descendant of Shelah, shelah a descendant of Caanan, Caanan a descendant of Araphaxad, Araphaxad a descendant of Shem, Shem a descendant of Noah, Noah descendant of Lamech, Lamech a descendant of Methuselah, Methuselah a descendant of Enoch, Enoch a descendant of Jared, Jared a descendant of Mahalaleek, Mahalaleek a descendant of Cainan, Cainan a descendant of Enos, Enos a descendant of Seth, Seth a descendant of Adam, Adam a descendant of God.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Jesus Only
He said to them;' honestly I tell you that some of those standing here shall not see death before you see the coming of the government of God in power.' Six days later Jesus took Peter James and John and brought them to a high mountain so that they were alone. He was transformed before them, his clothes shone brighter than snow more than bleach could make them. Elijah appared to them with Moses andthey were talking with Jesus. Commenting Peter said to Jesus; 'Rabbi it is good for us to be here so lets make three shelters, one for you one for Elijah and one for Moses,' because he didn't know what to say, they were really afraid. A cloud overshadowed them and a voice came from the cloud 'This is my descendant who I love hear him' And suddenly looking around there was Jesus Only. (Christian Tawhid-Ed) As they were coming down the mountain he told them seriously not to tell anyone what they had seen until ' The Descendant of Man rises from the dead.' they were impressed by that. Wondering what 'rising from the dead' could mean. Then they asked him; The Bible writers (Shouldn't that be editors-Ed) say that Elijah needs to come first. He answered the saying to them, yes Elijah does come first and begins the revival of things but isn't it written that the Descendant of Man among other things will suffer and seem like a nobody'. 'But having said that Elijah has already come but they treated him just as they wanted to- just as it was written.' Coming back to the other followers he saw a great crowd gathered around them and the editors (Journalists-Ed) discussing with them. Straight away the crowd saw him and were amazed. Running to him greeted him. He asked the media (You win-Ed) 'What is the current news' A spokesman replied; 'Teacher I brought my son to you because the spirit stops him speaking. And when he has a seizure it throws him to the ground and he foams at the mouth and he grinds his teeth. He is wearing out. I spoke to your followers to get rid of it but they lack the power'. He answered them. 'Unbelieving people that you are how long must I put up with you. Bring him to me'. And they brought him to him. Seeing immediately the spirit threw the boy to the ground into a fit falling down to the ground and foaming. He asked his father;' How long has this being going on ?' He said'from childhood and often it throws him into the fire or into water in order to destroy him. But if there is really anything you can do- Help us. Having pity' Jesus said to him 'If you were able to believe everything is possible to him who believes'. Right away the father burst into tears, 'I believe help me to believe' Jesus seeing the crowd gathering told the unclean spirit off saying to it.' Deaf and dumb spirit come out I order you and do not re-enter'. Crying out the spirit came out with a major fit leaving him looking dead. Most there said 'He is dead' but Jesus took him by the hand, raise him up and so he came up. Entering a house his followers took him apart and asked him, 'Why couldn't we cast it out ?' He said, 'This type nothing can move expect prayer'. And so they left there and went through Galilee with Jesus ensuring that no one knew where as he was instructing his followers. He said to them 'The Descendant of Man will be handed over into the hands of men and killed. But being killed, on the third day would rise.'They didn't understand and were afraid to ask. Coming to Capernaum in a house he asked them 'When on the road what were you talking about ?' They stayed silent because with each other they were on the road discussing who was the greatest. Sitting down with the 12 he said to them 'If anyone wants to be the foremost he should be the last and servant of all' And he took a child put her in the middle and taking her in his arms said 'Anyone who welcomes a little child like this because of me is really receiving me. And the one who rejects me rejects the one who sent me'. John answered him saying 'Teacher we saw someone casting out demons in your name but they weren't one of us. We stopped him because he doesn't join with us'. Jesus said 'Don't stop him because there is no one who works in the power of my name who can speak evil against me, those who aren't not against me are for you. In fact I tell you that Whoever gives you just a cup of water in my name because you are anointed I honestly tell you that they will not miss out on a reward. And if anyone upsets a little one who believes in me it is better for him to wear concrete boots and to go swimming. And if your hand upsets your belief cut it off because it is better to be crippled in life and enter than have two hands into hell; where there is unquenchable fire. If a foot upsets you cut if off. It is good to enter life lamb rather than have two feet and be cast into hell where the fire is unsatisfied., The worm never dies, fire unsatisfied. And if your eye upsets you pull it out for it is better to be one eyed entering the government of God than with two eyes being cast into hell, fire worn never dies, fire unsatisfied. Because everyone with fire shall be salt (tested?) Every offering will be sprinkled with salt but what good is salt if it has lost it's ability to preserve things ? Have salt in yourselves and be at peace with each other.
Question for the nations
Why do the nations rage and plan in vain ? The Kings of the earth take a stand, rulers conference against I Am and his anointed. 'Let us break these chains, throw off these limitations' On his throne in heaven I Am laughs, he mocks them then he tells them off in his anger and his passion terrifies them. I have established a King on Mt Zion special for me. I will tell the judgement of I Am . He said 'Today you are my descendant I Am your father' Ask of me and I will give you the nations your inheritance and the ends of the earth you possession. You will rule the earth with a rod of iron smashing them like pottery. Be wise Kings, Be warned rulers of the earth, Serve I Am with fear and trembling, rejoice. Kiss the descendant in case he becomes angry and destroys you for his anger can falre up in a moment. Blessed are they who hide in him.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Moses does OE as well
Now a man from the tribe of Levi married a daughter of Levi, conceived and she produced a son and when she saw him healthy she hid him for three months. But when she no longer could hide him she made a basket with waterproof materials and put her child in it in the reeds down by the Nile river. the babies sister stood in the distance to see what would happen to him. A Daughter of the Egyptian King went to wash in the Nile with her ladies and walking along the banks of the Nile saqw the basket and sent a slave girl (Hebrew-Amah) to get it. When she opened it she saw the baby; Look a crying child and feeling sorry for him said this must be a Hebrew Child. His sister asked the Egyptian King's daughter; Shall I go and get a woman to breast feed the baby from the Hebrews so she can nurse the baby for you ? The Egyptian kings daughter replied Go, so the girl went and got the mother of the baby. The Egyptian King's daughter said to her Take the baby nurse him and I will pay you for doing that so the woman took the baby and nursed him. The Egyptian Kings daughter took the child when he had grown as he son. and called him Moses because she said 'From the waters I brought him' After the time when he had grown up Moses went out among his brothers aand saw thier work conditions. He saw an Egyptian beating up a Hebrew man his brothers. He looked around saw they were alone and killed the Egyptian hiding him in the sand. Next day he went out and saw two Hebrew men fighting and asked the one in the wrong, why do you hit your workmate ? He replied; who made you the ruler and judge over us, kill me just as you killed the Egyptian. Moses was then afraid. then when the Egyptian King heard he tried to kill Moses. Moses fled from the presence of the Egyptian King and went to the land of Midian and sat by the well. A priest of Midian had seven daughters and they came drew water filled troughs to water their fathers flock. But when other herders came to force them away Moses rescued them and watered their flock. when they came back to Reuel their father asked ho0w come you are back early in the day ? they replied and Egyptian man rescued us from those others and even drew water for us and watered our flock. He asked his daughters Where? Why? Did you leave him (Arabic hospitality-Ed) Invite him in to eat a meal. Moses agreed to stay and the man gave Zipporah his daughter to moses as his wife. She had a son and he named him Gershem because Moses said I am an alien (See aliens in the bible-Ed) in a strange land. During that time the King of Egypt died. And sons of Israel moaned in their slavery crying out and the cry went up to God about the slavery.God heard to moan and he remembered the covenant with Abraham Issac and Jacob. So looking at the sons of Israel God was concerned Now Moses was tending the flocks of his father in law Jethro priest of Midian and he led the flock to the remote part of the desert to Horeb Jabal Allah Now there appeared a messenger of I Am a flame of fire within a bush. He looked and saw the bush was on fire yet the bush wasn't burning up. Moses decided to go over and see this strange sight why the bush burns. When I Am saw that he had bent over to look he called to him God inside the the bush and said Moses Moses.
A Dreamer Abducted (By Aliens-ed No family!)
Jacob lived in the land where his father had gone-Cannan. This descendant (Cunieform account/Toldoth-Ed) Jacob.
Now Joseph was a you of 17 years and he was a son together with the sons of Bihah and Zilpah his father wives who said bad things about him to their father Israel who loved Joseph. More than all his sons this son of his old age pleased him so he made for him a robe rainbow design. when his brothers saw that he was loved by their father more than them they hated him and could not say anything kind to him. Joseph dreamed and that increased the hatred of his brothers all the more. 'We we binding grain standing out in the field and see my grain stood and see yours gathered around and bowed down to my one" Now his brothers said to him 'Do you want to rule over us ? That just increased their hatred because of his dreams and what he said. Again he dreamed a dream and he told his brothers. See I dreamed a dream again the sun, moon and eleven stats were bowing before me. When he said that to his father and and to his brothers they told him off. His father said; What! this dream you dreamed...will your mother and I and your brothers bow to the ground before you ? They were jealous of him, his brothers but his father pondered the issue. Now his brothers went to graze the flocks of thier father near sheckem. Israel said to Joseph Come I'll send you to them and replied 'Yes Sir' So he said to him Go now and see how your brothers are getting on and how the flock is and report back. So he was sent up the valleys of Hebron going to Sheckem. Finding a man wandering in a field the man asked him, What are you looking for ? He replied 'I'm looking for my brothers do you know where thay are grazing ? and he answered; They shifted from here and I heard them say lets go to Dothan. so Joseph went after his brothers and found them near Dothan. When they saw him coming in the distance they planned to kill him saying among themselves The Master of dreams is coming so let us kill him and thrown him into a water tank then say a wild animal ate him, then what will happen to his dreams. When Reuben heard, he wanted to rescue him from them saying lets take life. Don't shed blood. throw him into the water tank here in the desert but don't touch him (He wanted to rescue him and take him back to their father) When Joseph came to his brothers they stripped of his robe rainbow design and took him to an empty water tank and threw him into the tank and then sat dwon to eat. The lloking up they saw- Look Ishmael camels coming from Gilead, a carvan of them trading balm, myrrh going to Egypt. Judah said to his brothers. what do get from killing your brother covering us with blood. Come on let us sell him to the Ishmaelites so we will not be guilty for our brother our family and his brothers agreed. When the men came past Midian traders they lifed Joesph from the tank sold Joseph to Ishmael for 30 pieces of silver who took Joseph to Egypt. When Reben came back to the tank and didn't find Joseph he ripped his clothes going back to his brothers said The boy isn't there what can I do now ? Now they got the robe of Joseph and killed a billy goat adn dipped it in the blood. then they tool the robe of rainbow design and brought it to their father saying we found this Check it out, isn't this the robe of your son. He recognized it and said the robe of my son, some wild animal got him ate and tore him up. Jacob ripped his clothes put on old clothes stripped down to his waist and morned for a long time for his son.all his sons came to him and hi8s daughters to comfort him but he would not be comforted telling them I will do down into the place of death grieving so he wept for his son. The Midianites sold Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar and Egyptian official of the Egyptian King. He was captain of the guards.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Moses blesses his people
This is the blessing of Moses man of God on the sons of Israel before he died. He said I Am came from Sinai rising from Jeir he blazed from Mt Paran coming countless Holy South mountain to them. Certainly he loves peoples all the holy of his hand and they bow at his feet and receive instructions. The law Moses gave us is the possession of the assembly of Jacob. King over Jershurun when the leaders assembled with the tribes of Israel.
May Reuben survive and not die out nor his men folk be too few. But this is what he said about Judah. Hear I Am the cry of Judah and his people you bring him. He defends and helps him against his enemies. About Levi he said Your Thummin and urimm belong to a man favored and tested at Massah. You struggle with him at the waters of Meribajh and he said to his father and mother I don't care about them, he didn't recognize brothers or sisters or his children but he preferred Your word and guarded the covenant, teaching rules to Jacob your law to Israel offering incense and offerings before you on the altar. Bless him I Am the skills of his hands be pleased and smash the sexuality of those who rise against him so that they don't rise again. And Benjamin much loved of I Am give rest security shield him and all day carrying him between your shoulders. About Joseph he said Blessings I Am his precious and with heavens watering and waters beneath the best production quality yield the moon draws forth. Most amazing ancient mountains and product of eternal hills The best earth favor of God of the bush rests on the head of Joseph the brow of the one separate from his brothers. First born bull with the horn (sex) of a wild ox to gore the nations even to the ends of the earth so that the 10s of thousands of Ephraim and the thousands of Manasseh About Zebulun he said Rejoice Zebulin in your outgoing Issachar in your forts. They will summon people to the mountains to offer sacrifices rightly and the abundance of the sea they will feast on and the treasures hidden in the sand. About Gad he said blessed is the one who enlarges Gad for like a lion he loves tearing at the arm or head. He choses the best for him the leaders part kept when leaders come together. I Am's rightness he did and he judged Israel. About Dan he said he is a lion's cub who leaps up from Basham. Napthali has abundant favor and is full of blseeing of I Am inheriting the South lake. About Asher he said Blessed be the sons of Asher let his brothers favor him washi98ng his feet with oil. Gates bolted with bronze and iron all the days of your strength. None are like Gad of Jeshurin riding the heavens to help from the clouds in majesty the refuge of Gad. Continuing with arms that never cease he drives out. Your enemy before you an enemy destroyed is what he says. Israel will live in safety only. Jacob's spring is secure. the land of grain and new wine as well. Heavens bring down dew (Shouldn't that be Jew-Ed) Blessed Israel none like you. People saved by I Am your shield helper and your glorious sword. Enemies shrink before you and on high places you trample them.
Jesus avoids getting stoned
Honestly I tell you that the one who doesn't come into the sheep paddock by the gate but climbs in over the fence is simply a thief or a robber but the one who comes in by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the door opens and the sheep hear his voice. His own sheep he calls by name and he leads them. When hos own sheep are out he leads then, he goes they follow because the recognize his voice. So they don't follow strangers but run away because they don't recognize strangers voices. This story Jesus said but they didn't understand its meaning. Therefore again Jesus said Honestly I tell you that I Am the gate for the sheep. All the others before were thieves and robbers but the sheep didn't listen to them. I Am the door if anyone comes in by me they will be saved and in and out they will go finding pasture. the thief only comes to steal and kill and destroy. I came for Life. you would have it and lots of it. I Am shepherd good. And the shepherd good gives his life for the sheep. Employees are not shepherds, don't own the sheep, consequently when they see the wolf coming take off and when the wolf grabs one sheep are going all over the place (Not nice-Ed) Now the employee takes off because he is just on wages and to really committed to the sheep. I Am shepherd good knowing those who are mine and they know me, mine. Same as the father knows me. I know the father well my life I give for the sheep. Now there are other sheep I have who are not part of this paddock who I must bring in and they know me too and there will be one flock and one shepherd (Tawhid-Ed) So the father love me because i give my life and I can take it again. No one can take it from me but I give it myself. I have authority to give it and authority to take it. This instruction I received from the father. These words caused a dispute among the Jews. Most of them said he has a devil but others said theses are not the words of a demon possessed. A devil cannot give vision to the blind. In Jerusalem the celebration of dedication was happening, it was winter, and Jesus was walking in Solomon's porch area. Surrounding by Jews wh said to him How long will you hold us out ? Are the Anointed One ? Tell us straight out. Jesus replied I told you and you didn't believe What I do in the name of the father proves it. but you don't believe because you are not my sheep, as i told you; my sheep hear my voice I know them and they follow me and I give them continuing life. Never will they be lost and that continuation never will anyone take away from my hand.What my father has given one is greater and no one can take them away from my father's hand. The father and I are one (Tawhid) The Jews picked up stones to stone him. Jesus replied; Many good things I have demonstrated My Father which one are you stoning me for ? The Jews replied Not for good you do we stone you but for slander for you a man make yourself God. Jesus replied It is written in your own scrolls 'I said you are gods' If they are called gods about those who received God's Word and this cannot be rejected, yet you say to the one who the father has chosen and sent into civilization- why do you say, You slander ? because I said I'm a descendant of God ? If I don't do the things of my father then don't believe me but if I do well even if you don't believe then what I do believe that. So that you can understand that my father is in me and I in him (Tawhid) Now they intended again to take him but he slipped away leaving to go beyond the Jordan to the place where John had first been immersing people in water and stayed there. Many came to him. John did no signs but he did speak of the reality of this man so many believed in him
King David's Song
Director I Am's servant, A David Song- this song to I Am when I Am delivered him from all his enemies and from Saul. I love I Am my strength I Am rock my castle protects me and the erection (horn) of my salvation my hideaway. I praise because I Am saved me from enemies. in the grip of death I was caught cascading destruction pushed me under. The grip of the home of death wrapped up against the trap of death. In desperation I called I Am my God for help and from his temple he heard me my call got through to him. The earth quaked shook and the foundations of the mountains quaked because he was angry roused smoke and fire came from his mouth and nose and burning ash came out. The sky split and he came in dark cloud under riding and angel on the wind of darkness hooded over him thick wet clouds. Then brilliance of his presence in the clouds with lightening and hailstones thunder from the heavens. I Am The Great in the hail and lightening shot arrows through lightening bolts beating the mighty. Valleys were exposed foundations of the earth told off by the blast of I Am From high he reached down and pulled me out of the deep waters rescued me from powerful enemies because they were too strong for me. In the day of disaster the stood against me but I Am lifted me and brought me out into the open because he likes me I Am did this according his rightness because my hands were clean he gifted to me. i kept the path of I Am didn't do evil leaving my God. You see all his standards were in front of me rules I didn't break so I was innocent for him and kept from sin. I Am gifted me rightness so my hands were clean in his eyes. To the believers you show belief. To the innocent you show no blame. And to the pure purity but to the twisted you revealed yourself because the humble you save. But the proud you bring down. you burn as light I Am my God light in the darkness with you I can take on a group and with my God I can get over walls. With Thee his ways are perfect the word of I Am pure a protection for all who hide in him. for which God except I Am who is our rock except our God. The God who provided strength making complete my path making my feet like a deer standing on the mountain places training my hands for battler to hold heavy weapons giving me a shield of victory you smooth the path so no twisted ankles. I chased my enemies passed them and didn't stop until; they were destroyed. I crushed them so they couldn't fight back and collapsed You gave me strength in the battle and my enemies now acknowledge me. Those enemies I overtook and got them fleeing until I destroyed them. I crushed them so they could not rise again from under my feet. These fleeing enemies my competitors destroyed. they cries for help but there was no one to save them. I Am wouldn't answered them I defeated them dust blown on the wind like mud in the alleyway. He delivered me from the attacks of people. You have made me the head of nations with people I don't know under me. They hear and obey me, aliens cringe before me sons of foreigners are freaked out in the fortress I Am loves. Praise my rock lift up God who saves me. Thee giving pay back for me. Pacifies nations underme He saves me from my enemies You lifted me.
Donkeys are looked after in Egypt
Now the Famine was severe in the land. The grain got from Egypt was gone. Dad said Go back again and buy some more food. Judah said That man warned us- You will not see my face unless you bring your other brother. If you will send him we will go and buy more food for you but if you don't we won't because he said you see my face only if your brother is with you, Israel said Why did you create trouble telling him you had another brother ? They replied The man asked us about our family he said is your father alive ? Is there another brother ? So we answered him. How could we know that he would say bring the other brother ? Judah said to Israel Send the boy with me and we will get up and go so that we will live and not die, we you, the children. I promise myself if I don't bring him back to you I take responsibility forever for him. Now if we hadn't waited like this we could have been there and back twice already. Dad Israel said OK if that is what it takes do it this way. Put some of our best commodities in your bags. Take the gifts of balm, some honey spice myrrh nuts and almonds. Take double the money returning what was put in your sacks, return it in case there was a mistake. And take your brother. Get up and go and see the man. And may God The Great give you Forgiveness before this man and so send back your other brother Benjamin. Because you know I'm grieving, I', grieving. So the men took the gifts double the money and Benjamin as well. they got up went to Egypt abnd appeared before Joseph. When Joseph saw Benjamin with them he said to his manager Take the men to my house and kill for a ready roast at mid day. The ,manger did what Joseph instructed taking them to Joseph's house. Now they were afraid thinking Were here because the money was put back in money was put back in our sacks last time and he wants to over power us and to turn us into donkey slaves. anyway they went with the manager to Joseph's house. At the enterence they said Sir when we came here first to buy food when we stopped and opened our sacks we found our money in the top of every sack. So we have brought back double the money to repay and buy more. We are at a loss to know how it got there. He said It'd alright Don't be afraid Your God the god of your dad has given you treasure in your sacks (Is that a double meaning-Ed) I got your money. then he brought in Simian Then the manager took them inside and gave them water washed their feet looked after their donkeys while they presented their gifts when Joseph came at midday bowing down on the ground before him. How is your father ? Is he still alive ? And they bowed down again. Looking around he saw Benjamin his brother with the same mother and asked Is this the youngest brother the one you told me about ? And he said God bless you my son but deeply moved by love for his brothers Joseph hurried out and wept. After washing regaining control he said serve the food. He was served by himself. they were served separately not being Egyptian because Egyptians and Hebrews cannot eat together- their food is unclean for Egyptians. Anyway they sat before him everyone in order of birth, first born to youngest and they were blown away by that. And when they were served Benjamin was getting 5 timed as mush as everyone else. So they feasted with him.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Prophecy for drunk Ephraim
Cursed garland of flowers pride of drunk Ephraim, flowers of fading beauty of glory at the head of his prosperous valley but now overcome with wine. Look Out! I Am mighty in the storm, hail destroying tempest flood of rising waters so His hand casts down to the ground. So will be the flowers of fading beauty of his glory at the head of his prosperous valley. Just like a ripe fig before harvest, spotted gets grabbed and gobbled down, In the day of I Am Hosts as real glory garland of beauty for the remnant of his people. Spirit of Justice for he who sits in judgement, strength of those who turn the enemy at the gate. as well Priest and Prophet as those who stagger from strong drink confused by wine staggering hardly able to stand beer effecting their vision and judgement. So that tables are covered with vomit. Who will have knowledge these days ? Who can explain things to those who are just off milk and taken from the breast ? For it is -do this, do,do, do this; and rule rule rule and rule, a little here a little there all in strange tongues in alien languages he speaks to them. So who said this? This is a resting place rest and relax but the just will not listen. Therefore the word of I Am will be to them do this, do do do this and rule rule rule and rule, a little here a little there so that they will go and fall backwards, be broken snared and taken away by aliens. (Don't you mean Chinese-Ed) OK then you mockers! Listen to what I Am says to those of yous who rule Jerusalem. With death you say you have a covenant. and you say that when the overwhelming whip sweeps through it won't touch you at all because you have lies for your refugee and deception your hiding place. Well this is what King I am says to you. Look he lays in Zion a stone. A foundation bench mark precious corner stone for the one believing unperturbed. I will make justice the measuring standard. Rightness the vertical standard of survey. And hail will sweep away the lies as a refugee overflowing with flood waters. You covenant with death is hereby annulled and will collapse on you so the overwhelming wwhip will sweep through and you will go down. No matter, in the morning, next morning you will be swept away or during the day or at night so that the message is "Terror" (Homeland Security will be interested to read this-Ed) Your bed too short for you to stretch out on it. You blanket too narrow to wrap around you. As Perazim I Am will rise up. As Gibeon Valley in this way he does utterly weird things totally alien. Now Mock if you want! Well your chains get heavier as you do for I have heard I Am Hosts decide destruction for the entire land. Now really listen to what I have to say. All day the plough man ploughs and harrows prior to planting. Once he has things level he sows small see plants in this place and wheat and barley elsewhere with something else as the border. Why ? Because God taught him the right way to do it. Fine seed plants are not processed through heavy grinders. He doesn't pit heavy machines over delicate seeds, rather the fine seed gets specail processing and the more delicate gentler than that. Sure bread grains need grinding but there is a limit to how much. And when he puts it through the crusher he knows what he is doing. All this wisdom comes from I Am Hosts who is great if you want or need to consult him.
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