Friday, April 15, 2011

Nations another view of it

Nations another view of it

In my first book which I made about everything my friend Theophilus it began with Jesus what he did and taught until the day when commissioning 'the sent' by the special spirit having chosen them he was taken up (By aliens?-Ed No ed this is the bible we don't talk about aliens in this religion) To them he had presented him self alive after he had suffered all with much evidence over 40 days seen by them and speaking about the government of God. They gathered and he urged wi not to leave Jerusalem but to wait the promise of the Father 'You heard me tell about that because John immersed with water but you will be immersed by the Special Spirit quite soon.' Gathering together they asked. him 'Master will you now restore Israel's empire ?' And he said to them 'Its not for you to know the ages and times which have be fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Special Spirit comes on you and you will be my wittnesses both nin Jerusalem, Jewish regions, Samaria and the ends of the earth (Hey thats where you live-Ed). Looking at him while while he said these things he was taken up a cloud hid him from their view (No Ed thisn't what you were thinking) As they were gazing intently into the sky as he went up two men were there standing beside them in white. They said 'Galilleans why are you looking into the sky ? This same Jesus who has been taken up from you into the sky will come in the same way' Returning to Jerusalem from Mt Olives which is near Jerusalem-only a Sabbath day journey- Entering they went to an upper room where Peter, James John Andrew Bartholomew Matthew James (son of Alpaeus) Simon the Activist and Jude brother of James were staying. They were keenly continuing as one to pray and advocating, with the women and Mary mother of Jesus and his brothers. At that time Peter stood up in the middle of the followers and said- And there were 120 gathered- 'Brothers Important in the Bible is the prediction given by the Special Spirit through Davids lips about Judas who was a guide of those who arrested Jesus. He was counted with us and part of our ministry. He certainly got his land where his guts spilled out. And everyone in Jerusalem heard about it and the land became known as Akedama/field of blood. In Psalms in the Bible- 'May this place be desolate, no one live in it' Ps 69:25 and 'his eldership be taken be another' Ps 109:8 So as a result of this those who join with us be with us during the time when we came and went with the Master Jesus beginning with the immersion of John until today when he was taken up from us. A witness of his rising to join with us. They proposed two. Joseph also named Barsabas family Justus and the other Matthias. They prayed saying 'You Master know hearts of everyone, show of these two the one you chose for the job of serving and 'being sent' lost by Judas going to his place.' The tossed a coin to decided and it went to Matthias then added to the eleven Sent Ones. When the day of the 50th came they were all united in the one place. Suddenly from the sky came the sound of a mighty wind filling the wEdhole house where they were sitting. What appeared to bew tongues of fire separated and settled on each of them. They were filled with the Special Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the spirit gave them ability (Is this thaty Speaking in tongues you were going on about in your other blogs-Ed) Now in Jerusalem there were staying serious Jews from every nation under the sun. When news of this was be text messaged and tweeted (Now that's upto date translation-Ed) the resulting crowd were bewildered because each heard in his own language someone speaking it. They were all amazed and speculated saying are not these men speaking from Galilie? Yet we are hearing our own languages Parthian, Mede, Elam, people from Iraq, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Turkey, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, and parts of Lybia belonging to Cyrene as well as visitors both Jews and converts. Men from Crete, Arabia we all hear these men speaking of the great things of God in our own language. (OK! I hereby give up- who needs translators when you can have God's spirit-Ed That's nothing Ed when the spirit was poured out Topeka 1901 one young lady unable to speak in english given a pen and paper wrote in Chinese Characters!) All were amazed and confused saying to each other; 'What can this mean?' Others laughed it off saying 'Come on, new wine their drunk' Then Peter stood up with the eleven and said out loud to them, 'Men, Jews Jerusalem now you know but listen to me anyway. First of all they are not drunk because it is 9 oclock in the morning but this is what the prophet Joel was kinda indicating. 'It will be in the final age God says I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, sons and daughters prophesy, young see visions, old men dreams and even ordinary workers both male and female will have it at the time I pour out my spirit and they will prophesy terrors in the sky above, signs on the earth below' (So was that Tsunami the other week a sign?-Ed) Blood fire clouds of smoke. The sun will go dark, the moon to blood all before the age of Master, the great revealed.' 'And so it shall be that everyone everywhere will call on the name of the Master will be saved. Men Israelites here this (You should say- Hear ye hear ye...Ed) Jesus of “Nazareth, a man sent by God to you doing power, terrors, signs; Endorsed by God here among you as you yourselves know. But by the decided consideration before hand of God he was taken into custody by lawless men, nailed up to death. Then God raised him the agony of death simply because he could not be held by it. David said about him “I saw the Master always before me because he is at the right side I'm not shaken, rejoice my heart be glad my tongue and my flesh dwell in hope because you wil not leave my life in the placew of death neither will perfect see decay. You let me know the way of life, I'm filled with joy in your presence” Ps 16:8-11 Men brothers, let me be frank with you about our founding father David. He both died and was buried. His tomb is here. But he spoke prophetically. He knew that God had given him and unbreakable promise that the product of his sex -in respect of the flesh, rasing up the Anointed to sit on his throne. Looking ahead he spoke about the raising to the Anointed having not left his life in the place of death nor his body decaying. This Jesus was raised up and we are wittnesses. At the right side God honored and the promise of the Special Spirit received from the father poured out now which you see and hear. It wasn't David who went to heaven. He himself says “Master my Master sit at the right side until I put your enemies under your feet” Ps 110:1 . Therefore be sure to know this everyone who is part of Israel that this Jesus who you straightened God has made both Master and Anointed'. When they heard this they had heart pains and said to Peter and the other Sent Ones ' 'Men, brothers What should we do ? 'Peter said to them 'Change and be immersed each of you in the name of Jesus Anointed for the taking away of failure and you will receive the gift of the Special Spirit. To you and your children is the promise and to all who are farway that as many as call-Master our God.' He said other things and preached saying 'Be saved from this perverse generation and those who are result gladly accepted his word were immersed and added that day the lives of about 3.000. They continued in the teaching of the Sent Ones of the community, sharing food and prayers. There camde on every life, a respect at the many miracles and signs taking place through the Sent Ones. All the believers were together sharing things together. Possessions and goods were sold and divided up according to need. Every day continuing united in the Temple and sharing meals in homes they ate food with gladness and uncomplicated heart praising God and having favor with all people. The Master added daily those being saved to the 'called out'

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