Peter sent by Yeshua Anointed to the chosen refugees and scattered; Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia (not the Asia of these days-Ed Yes but some of our best saints are Asian-paul)Bithynia because God knew before in the Special Spirit for obediance and springling blood Yeshua Anoined. Extended reward and harmony to you.
Honored the God and father of our Master Yeshua Anointed by his great care produced in us again for a living hope by the raising Yeshua Anointed from death to be indestructable winner faultless never fading guarded in heaven for us by God's security guarding power by faith set for delieverance Disclosed in ultimate (I know whay you translated that word like that-Ed Why?-paul; Well when you get to Acts 13:47 you will be able to say that New Zealand is the ultimate destination!) the ultimate season. Great enthusiasim but need just now, hardly any: Grief in various tests, to prove your faith greater value than gold (Yes this is the-'silver and gold have I none but what I have I'll give you' Peter) -gold destroyed by fire it's proven, so getting praise honor triumph in the disclosure of Yeshua anointed. You haven't seen. Love on who just now not looking-believing have such great enthuiasim unspeakable triumphant joy-treasuring the completion of your faith delievered life.
Now with this delieverance prophets made careful search and investigation and prophesied the reward that has come to you. Examining how-what season indication in them of the Spirit of the Anointed testifying before the Anointed's fate and after that triumph disclosed not to them but to us working that reported to you by the Good News sent out from heaven to you in the Special Spirit. Into this messengers/angels (OK Have it both ways!-Ed) desired to stoop down. So that your keyed up thighs of your minds; Serious, complete hope in the reward brought at the disclosure of Yeshua Anointed. As children obedient not in fashion (But they are the very ones who create the new fashions-Ed) to your previous ignorant desires. But with your special call yourselves special being all turned around because the Bible says; Be special I Am special' (Leviticus 19:2) If you call on the father with no favourites judging by; Out of each effort, then fear in your time and turn for refugee status (Is this another one of your advertisments for working at the Mangere Refugee Center ?-Ed) knowing that not by destructable silver of gold you were repurchased turned around from empty Father Traditions but by the honored blood of the faultless lamb Anointed before the conception of the ordered arrangement revealed in the ultimate time for you who by him. Beleive in God who reawakened him out of death rewarding him gave-so your faith and hope is in God. Your life cleansed by obedianence to the truth by the spirit with genuine and clear friendship loving each other with an aching heart. Being born not by destructiable sperm but indestructable by the living word of God remaining ever continuing.
'All flesh is like grass, the reward of man like flowering grass, withered grass and flower falls but the word of the Master remains and continues' (Isaiah 40:6-8)
This is the word, your Good News 2 laying aside all badness and all deciet, all talk (That used to be the word hypocit-Ed Yes but it was a Greek word so we had to translate it, how about the next time we encounter that word we make it 'Translators'-paul) and envy, all speaking evil. Like just born babies desiring the intelligent authentic milk so by it produce. You did experience luxury of the Master. 'The apporaching living stone rejected but chose by God prized' ( Isaiah 28:16) 'You are the living stones being built a spiritual house a special priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices welcomed by God Yeshua Anointed included in the Bible; 'Look placed in Zion an acute angle stone chosen, prized and believing on him will not be ashamed' (Isaiah 28:16) 'To you honored who believe but to those refusing a stone rejected by buildres has become the head corner' (Psalms 118:22) 'And a stone a stunbling stone and rock (Peters name encoded here-Ed) to trip up' (Isaiah 8:14) Stumbling at the word refusing where they were placed. You are a family chosen ruling priesthood for pure people so the quality is broadcast out of darkness called to amazing light.
Those not a people now God's people who without kindness got kindness.
Friends I tell you as refugees and transients. Abstain flesh lusts warring against on your turned around life in the nations with beauty so that those doing evil speak evil against your beautiful effort observing the triumph of God's overseeing visit.
Keep your place under every man made dominion. For the Master be it the ruler as ultimate, or leader with him being sent for vengance against doing evil. The will of God is to do good silencing stupid ignorant men. Free but not using freedom as a cover up for evil but slaves of God. (Abdullah is the Arabic for Slaves of God-Ed) Everyone respect your brothers, love God, fear and respect government.
Domestics with all fear come under your whoever; Not alone the good and reasonable but as well the deviant (You know Ed in Bible Transaltion history I am maybe the very first translator who having spent a lifetime as an ordinary worker now translating these words!) For this reward, consceince to God, carrying grief going through that which isn't right. What a tale! Failure, being thumped, enduring that. But if doing good and going through enduring this (You know what... i am weeping as I work to translate this-love paul) Reward with God For this you were called because as well the Anointed had the same fate leaving behind for an underwriting (upogrammon-Ed) as we follow after his steps. Who did not fail and didn't have deciet in his mouth. Abused did not return abuse going through didn''t intimiadate, handed over to the right judge who himself our failure carried in his body on the wood (Peter does not anywhere use the St Paul word 'stauros' and even in the Acts 2 sermon uses another word-once only- 'prospegunmi' 'to afix' -Ed) Failure being dead to being right, a body whose whip marks makes us healed. We as sheep wandered off but turned now to the shepherd and overseeing of our lives. (Readers should as well as reading this read Isaiah 53 where a lot of the ideas and quotations come from-Ed 3.In the same way wives should come under their husbands; if disobedient to the word, the wife by her turn around without words-gain; Observing your fear, purity, turn around, your not by outside hair braiding, nor treasured gold or clothing garments but the hidden heart of mankind indestructable for the gentle and quiet spirit which has extremely high value before God... For when was it ? Anyway the special women hoping in God arranged themselves (Cosmos-Ed) coming under their husbands as Sarah obeyed calling Abraham 'Master'... You become children doing good not fearing neither shocked.
Husbands as well dwelling with them be knowledge of a weaker thing (Well I don't call my wife 'thing'-Ed) the female, allocating them honor as co-winners, reward of life that your prayers are not cut off.
Everyone completely one mind sympathetic (Hey thats one Greek word you have just put straight in from the Greek text-Ed) friendship, warm hearted, helpful not repaying evil for evil or abusing for abuse; The opposite. Honor knowing this is your calling as honor is what we win! 'He wants us to have life, love, to see good times. Stop the tongue from evil, the lips not speaking deciet. Shut out evil and do good. Search for harmony and chase after harmony. For the eyes of the Master are on those doing right, his ear to their longings. But the Master is on to those doing evil' (Psalm 34:12-16) Who can make you unhealthy if you become those who copy good. if you go through for being right-Blessed. They fear, don't be afraid or perplexed but Master God makes your hearts pure Be set up for answering to everyone requesting. A word for you hope with meekness and fear, a good conscience so that speaking evil about you will be ashamed, insulting you for good in the Anointed turn around. Better to be doing good, the will of God; He wills to be going through than doing evil. Also the Anointed, once for failure, fate for the right and not right brings to us God and dying in the flesh made alive by the Spirit and travelling to the prison spirits explaining to those refusing how long? To recieve God's patience. From the time of Noah when he prepared the box into the few, that is eight lives brought to safety through water. And for us now a photo negative-Delieverance by immersion; not flesh, laying aside dirt but a good questioning conscience (Yes just like I provide I do for you too!-Ed) in God by the raising of Yeshua Anointed who is at the right side of God travelling to heaven; In their place under him messangers/angels authorities and powers. 4 The Anointed coming through for us, flesh, the same mind, getting equiped with coming through in the flesh and stopping failure. No lust mankind but the will of God still there in the flesh period lifestyle. OK for us that past period of living!!!!! Making the will of the nations- travelling with orgies of hedonism, lusts, club culture, parties, getting drunk, No class! Image worship; All that foreign not to run with them or having a similar uncontrolled excess (Did you see the rioting in London England that was happening when this was being translated-Ed Yes David Wilkerson predicted the same but much worse is going to happen in New York-paul) Mocking those who set up giving word, having judgement of the living and the dead. this is why the dead had the Good News; Judged with mankind flesh living with God's Spirit. Everything coming to completion. Be Sensible and serious, praying about everything but yourselves love urgently having this because love conceals many failures. Open your homes to each other without complaining. Each as taking reward for each other working as good employees with God for various rewards. If speaking-the word of God. If working with the ability that God supplies, so in everything triumph with God in Yeshua Anointed who has triumph and strength. Friends burning (Bad word that this week for London-Ed) for you is not an unwelcome visitor; Or your tests which happen become foreign to you. But be considered common happy to be going through with the anointed so that the revelation of his triumph- your reward- great enthusiasim.
If rejected because of the name of the blessed Anointed for the reward and the Spirit of God is on you-Take a break!
For them mocking but for you rewarded! Now you don't go through a killing, thieving, or doing evil or looking into alien matters (Hey I though you said we would have no more Aliens in this translation.-Ed Yes but the word allotrios had the best meaning of Alien-paul) Rather as rewarded persons don't be shamed. Triumph in God in this part. The time for judgement to begin from the house of God. If firstly from us, what completion for those refusing the Good News of God. 'And if the being right are hardly delievered then the disrespectful and failure appearing' (Prov 11:31)- Where ? So those going through with the will of God, with dominion faith presenting their lives for doing good.
5 Elders in your group I tell you also an elder and with the testimony of the Anointed going through and coing disclosure and shared triumph. A shepherd with you in God's flock overseeing, not having to but willing not to share 'shame gain' (Hey have you seen the Harley Davidson motor cycle that Pastor Paul got given on his birthday-Ed) but keen. Not having power over 'not your winnings' but being a pattern for the flock. And revealing the establishing shepherd treasuring the never fading surrounding Triumph. (Yes I'd ride a Triumph made in Great Britian bike any day rather than one of those made in USA Harleys-Ed)
In the same way youth: Come under elders everyone coming under to each other, work apron of humility (Hey have you seen the really neat aprons that the Bros wear down a t the local Lodge-Ed) 'For God battles against arrogant but gives reward to the humble.' (Prov 3:34) Then humble under the strong hand of God that you in time-lifted up (So when is it going to happen?-Ed Patience, this is a super endurance race we are in here-paul)
All your worries slapped on him because he cares about you, Serious; Awake because your prosecution lawyer, the devil, walks around as a roaring lion searching for who to swallow. Resist! Solidly in faith knowing the same going thorugh, your freinds in the ordered arrangement (cosmos) being completed.
But the God of all reward who called us to continuing, his triumph in anointed Yeshua hardly any- Himself going through re-establishing your planted reinforced foundation. His triumph domination, continuing in the continuing. Let it be.
Sent to you by Silvanus faithful brother-Accounted hardly any writing; I tell you and testifying this being the true reward of God which we are planted.
Those with the called out gathering from Babylon greet you (Another Peter code word-Ed) AShe greets you and my son Mark. Greet each other with a loving hug. (It Said-Kiss! Ed Yuk-paul)
Harmony to all of yous in the Anointed Yeshua. Let it be!
Finally I am very happy with my blog audiance-You! Ya Druk Moi! Dash ve danya!
ReplyDeleteOver the week I have had lots of visits from New Zealand readers; Russia is second 8 Ahead of USA 5 (which is how it should be USA now in decline as a former world power and former leader) then United Kingdom 3 Australia 2 Malaysia 2 Ghana 1 and Canada 1.
The point is that Wycliffe Bible Translators and the United Bible Societies both working out of USA have dominated religion for the past 50 years and with the collapse of the US money/debt printing system of US bonds that is over now.
We NOW have a window of opportunity before the final and terrible collapse of USA (There are some good propheices readers can read in the Bible-Ed) to make changes in our religion... And this is my contribution to that process. But be warned! David Wilkerson writing in his April 1973 The Vision as well as talking about what is happening now in the financial melt down speaks of the Iron Curtain coming down again on USSR and China. Work while it is yet day for the freedom you have today you will not have in the future. love paul
In the book of Hebrews there are saints watching from the grandstands as we are in this endurance race. My Chinese Dictionary project I had some of the greatest apostles in the past 200 years working as part of the team and seeing what I would do with their lifetime of work. This time around I have a whole crowd of wittnesses, like sometimes our lord tells me that Pankhurst from 200 years ago has just the understanding I need and so I look over his shoulder to see what he has written for me in our joint project....
ReplyDeleteBut the fun part of this internet experience is having such a large crowd of wittnesses as I pass through another checkpoint in this London to Sydney style race (And I want to personally thank my elder Paul Adams from City Impact who sent me off to do this sunday morning 6th Feb 2011-he is an experienced race car driver too) But please if you are dead, up in heaven a Bible writer of one of the 24 elders, or like Rev Pankhurst a dictionary writer...
Or you are Living! Realise that our Master, our final judge expects the highest standard of this work- The goal being that in every language those wanting a transaltion can have it within three years of translating their first word have the entire book finished and readable for their community;
Keep cheering; Keep watching the race; Keep praying we will get there- love paul
As with St Pauls letters in this translation there are major shifts going on in the way the Christian religion works by the differences that emerge from this translation.
ReplyDeleteSo if you are a Grrek Scholar or just a deeply concerned theologian- then go back, look at the Greek text in question. Consider how the grammar and syntax of Codex Syniaticus could read quite differently and work with the most primary and basic Koin Greek meanings coming from the Septigant period of language of language use would be giving to an audiance some of whom- use Greek as a second langauge with a smaller vocab and brut understanding of those words. In other words work to deconstruct the text back to it's most basic and blunt... then decide if this beginners attempt to communicate has in fact captured something we missed previously.
This is important work! If going into a century when at least 2 Billion people amybe much much nire than that; Will die from disasters of all kinds when God himself has a message- I create Evil/Disaster Isa 45:8 then we need to go back the darkest period of Jewish history the lead up to AD 70 and see just what the saints were feeing thinking and how in this new understanding of Jewish religion they were living. They want to communicate with us, and this book of Peter is exactly that- Peter our founding elder reaching out to us now knowing just how desperate the days are into which we are now going... What can save us? Well Peter seeing Yeshua die had no intention of dying a natural death... How determined are we to live out this faith that emerges from these three letters now translated? love paul