Saturday, March 12, 2011
How to loose your stick- Judah
How to loose your sandal
David's family
Ruth the rest of the story
Rainbow 3
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Old man gets a wife
Now Boaz went to the gates of the town and sat there. Seeing the person with the right of repossession coming (whom Boaz had spoken about) he said Come here and sit down. The acquaintance sat down. And Boaz gathered 10 town elders and asked them to sit as well. He said to ‘repossession’ Naomi has returned from Moab and is seling the land of Elimelech our relative. I thought i should tell you and suggest that you buy it in the presence of those sitting here our elders. If you will buy back then buy back if not buy back then tell me and so i will know because after you I can buy back. He said ‘I will buy back’ Then Boaz said ‘The day you buy the land from Naomi and from Ruth who is Moab you get the dead man’s wife in order to continue the name of the dead on the land. Repossession then said ‘I cannot buy back’ because it puts my other holdings in danger. You buy back because I cannot buy back. Now back then in Israel to buy back transfer business a man took off his shoe and gave it to the other to make it final in Israel . Repossession saying to Boaz ‘Buy it’ took off his shoe. Boaz then told the elders and all the people witnesses that day. ‘I buy all that Elimelech, Kilon, Mahlon had from Naomi and Ruth as well from Moab Mahlon’s widow. I get her as wife so that the name of the dead will not disappear from his family or the town gate records. Today you are witnesses. Then the elders at the gate and everyone said; ‘We are witnesses, may I Am make the woman coming to your home like Rachel and Leah building up Israel. May you stand in Ephratah and your reputation be House of Bread (Bethlehem-Ed) May yopur family be like the family of Perez who (younger) Tamar birthed for Judah through the descendantds I Am gives you by this young woman. So Boaz took Ruth as his wife and went into her. I Am gave a conception and she produced a son. The woman said to Naomi Praise I Am who hasn’t left you without repossession. This day may your name be Israel. He is renewing your life keeping you in your old age. Your daughter loves you which is better than seven sons. Naomi took the baby in her lap adn cared for him. The woman living there said ‘Naomi has a son’ They called him obed father of Jesse father of David. The family tree is Perez. Perez father of Hezron, Hezron father of Ram, Ram father of Amminadab, Amminadab father of Nahshon, Nahson father of Salma, Salma father of Boaz, Boaz father of Obed, Obed father of Jesse, Jesse father of David.
The nations
A man lived at Caesarea named Cornelius. Army Captain of a regiment called Italians. Serious God fearing his entire house generously helping the Jewish people and prating continuously to God. He had a vision around 3 pm in the afternoon. A messenger of God coming to him saying ‘Cornelius’ Staring in terror he said ‘What is it master’ He replied ‘ Your prayers and generous helping has gone up and is remembered by God and now he is sending to Joppa a man. Ask for Simeon who goes by the man Peter saying at Simon the tanner s house down by the waterfront. He will tell you what to do’ When the messenger had departed Cornelius called two servants and a serious soldier, his attendants and told them everything sending them to Joppa. The next day while these men were still travelling coming near to the city Peter went up on the roof top to pray. It was about midday. He began to feel powerfully hungry and wanted to eat. But while a meal was being prepared he went into a new dimension seeing heaven opened coming down to him (UFO’s ?-Ed) an object like a great sheet. Coming down by it’s four corners to earth. On it were the four legged animals, wild beasts, living things and birds of the skies. Then a voice said ‘Get up Peter kill and eat’ No way said Peter. ‘Master because I have never eaten anything ordinary or unclean. Again a second time the voce said to him ‘Don’t call what God has cleaned ordinary. Three times this happened before the UFO was taken again up to heaven (Aliens-Ed) Being perplexed by this vision he had seen the same time the men sent by Cornelius had found the house of Simon and stood at the door asking if this was the house of Simon. Then asking if there was someone named Peter staying there. As Peter was pondering the vision the spirit spoke to him saying ‘ So Peter went down to the men who Cornelius had sent to him and said- Look I’m the one you are looking for, what is the problem which has brought you here ? They said that Cornelius an army captain, a man who does right fearing God, highly regarded by the Jewish people was told be a special messenger to send for you to this house . and to hear what you have to say. So Peter invited them in and they stayed overnight. Peter then next day went with them and other brothers from joppa. On the next day after that they entered Caesarea with Cornelius expecting them calling together family and close friends. As Peter was coming Cornelius went out to meet him and fell at his feet worshipping him (Pastor Peter?-Ed) But Peter pulled him up telling him to get up because ‘I am a man just like you’ they talked and then found a large number of people gathered He said to them ‘You know it is against the (Jewish) Rule for a Jew to associate or unite with other races. God showed to me that no man must be called ordinary or unclean. This is why i have come here when sent for. Now I want to know why you sent for me. Cornelius replied , four days ago about this time I was fasting and praying about 3 pm in my house and suddenly a man in shinning clothes stood before me and said ‘Cornelius your prayer has been heard and your generousity remembered by God. Send to Joppa and get a man called Simon Peter who is staying at the house of Simon the tanner on the foreshore and he will come and speak to you. Straight away I sent for you and you have come. Now we are all here in God’s presence waiting to hear what God has ordained you to say. Peter opened his mouth and said ‘Now I understand that God doesn’t discriminate. But in every nation those who fear him and do right them he accepts. The word which he sent to the descendants of Israel announcing good news, peace the Anointed Jesus who is master of all men you know. The story of happenings through the Jewish region from Galilee after the immersion that John taught, Jesus was from Nazareth anointed by God with the Special spirit, with power went about doing good healing all who were under the power of the devil because God was with him. And we are witnesses of what he did both the Jewish region and ion Jerusalem. Put to death and hanged on a tree God raised him the third day and let him be seen but not by everyone. But to the witnesses chosen by God., those of us who ate and drank with him after with him after he had risen from the dead. He commissioned us to preach to people and to give testimony that he is the one who has been appointed by God as judge of the living and dead. He is the one all prophets witness. Everyone who believes in him receives in him name forgiveness of failure. As Peter was speaking these words there fell the Special Sprit on all who were listening. The believers who were circumcised (Jews-Ed) were amazed, those who had come with Peter; that as well the gift of the Special Spirit had been poured out on the nations because they heard speaking in strange languages, glorifying God. Peter then said ‘Can anyone refuse water or say these should not be immersed whom the Special Spirit has received as we should. He ordered them to be immersed in the name of the master. They begged him to stay some days.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
John 7
After that Jesus was walking in Galilee He didn’t want to go for a walk in Judea because the Jews wanted to kill him. It was approaching the time of the feast of Jewish Tabernacles. His brothers said to him, you should leave here and go to Judea so that your followers can see the things that you do because no one does things in secret if he wants publicity. You should let the whole world see. His brothers didn’t believe in him. Jesus said to them ‘My time has not yet come but any time is OK for you. Civilisation cannot hate you but it hates me because I report (Good translation-Ed) what it does is evil . You go up to the feast, I’m not going yet because the time hasn’t been completed yet. Say that he stayed in Galilee. After his brothers had left he as well went to the feast privately. The Jews were searching for him at the feast asking ‘Where is he’. There quiet discussion about him among the people. Some said ‘He is a good man’ Others no he deceives the people’ But no one had a public opinion because of the fear of the Jews. When the feast was half way Jesus went to the temple and taught. The Jews were amazed and commented ‘How is it this person knows this yet hasn’t formally studied ? He answered them Jesus said ‘ My teaching is not mine but he who sent me. Anyone who has his authority will know whether or not it is from God or just from me. He that is seeking his own triumph is contrasted by those who are seeking the triumph of the one who sent him. He is genuine and not dishonest at all. Didn’t Moses give us the Rule (Torah-Ed) No one keeps the Rule, why do you plan to kill me? The people answered; ‘Your demonic- who is saying that they want to kill you? Jesus answered saying to them. The things I did amaze you. Moses gave you circumcision –not that it was Moses but your ancestors and you circumcise even on the Sabbath. If someone is circumcised on the Sabbath, to avoid breaking the rule why then are you angry because I have a man healed on the Sabbath ? Don’t judge on sight but on what is right. Some of the people of Jerusalem said ‘Isn’t this the man they plan to kill / He speaks in public and they are saying nothing. Honestly don’t the rulers know that he is The Anointed ? But we know this man and where he comes from. When The Anointed comes no one will know where he comes from. Shouting loud Jesus said ‘So you know where I come from, but I haven’t come on my own volition. He sent me but you don’t know him for I Am sent me. They were planning to grab him but no one laid hands on him because it wasn’t his time. Many of the people believed on him and said The Anointed when he comes –will he do greater signs than he does ? The Pharisees heard that the people were quietly discussing about him, these things and sent the Pharisees and Chief priest officials in order to get him. Jesus said to them, ‘I’m only here a short time now with you but then you won’t find me because where I’m going you cannot come. The Jews said among themselves ‘Where is he going to go so we cannot find him ? surely he’s not going to to be a refugee in the Greek region to teach the Greeks ? What he mean ‘You will look for me but not find me. Where I go you cannot come ? On the last day of the great feast Jesus shouted out; ‘If anyone one is thirsty let him come to me and drink. He that believes on me as the Bible says “Rivers of living water from his heart (He said this about the spirit which those who believed were about to receive but which hadn’t because Jesus was not made triumphant) Many of the people who heard the word said ‘This is most definitely a prophet’ Others said ‘this is the Anointed’ And others said Since when can an anointed come from Galilee ? Doesn’t the Bible say that from the family line of David and from Beth Lehem the town of David the Anointed comes ? Dispute therefore among the people occurred because of him. Some wanted to take him but no one laid hands on him. The officers of the Chief Priest and Pharisees came. They were asked ‘Why haven’t you brought him ?’ no one talks like this man does the Pharisees said. ‘Are you taken in as well ? When has it been that any of the Pharisees and Chief Priest have believed in him...these people who don’t know The Rule are cursed. Now Nicodemus said to them (He previously had come at night to see Jesus) Our Rule judges an man only when we have heard him first and know what he does.They replied Are you also from Galilee ? Read the prophets and you will see that no prophets come from Galilee. Then they went home.