Friday, June 10, 2011



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In various locations (So no longer deep under the sea in ‘Divers locations’-Ed No we are back on earth for a change good work we translators do!)

And in various ways God previously spoke to the ancestors and prophets. In this final time his descendant who he has appointed inheritor of everything continuing he has made…He is the brilliance, his triumph an expression of undergirding, holding up everything by the command of his power. He himself purified on account of our failure then settled down on the right of the mighty up high; Becoming superior to angels (Shouldn’t that be messengers- Ed Alright you win ‘superior to editors’ have it your way) inheriting a reputation and name different from theirs.

Since when has it bee said to an angel/messenger ‘My descendant today I have produced you ?’ (Psalm 2:7) Or how about this, ‘I will be his father and he my son’ (2 Sam 7:14) or take this one; He brings his first delievered into the inhabited world and says, ‘And worship all angels (and editors) of God’ Duet 32:43 And about angels says ‘Who makes angels winds’ (Yes have you seen those terrible tornados sweeping USA these days- one dear brother predicted that the Rapture would come and the people were literally being sucked up into the heavens! Ahhh!!! –Ed) His priest flames of fire’ Ps 104: 4 ( Ed- we will have to cut out our chit chat because somewhere in the bible there is a curse about adding to the text and I’m sure people only want to read God’s word not our stupid opinions-paul)

This is what he says to the descendant. ‘Your head office God is forever continuing the right rod of government. You love what is right, hate lawlessness so God your God anoint with oil enthuisiasticly before your friends ‘ (Ps 45-6,7) In the establishment our Master laid the foundation of the earth, the effort of your hands, the heavens as well. They will be destroyed but you continue; Like old clothes like covering rolled up but you are the same, you years will never end.’ Ps 102 ; 25-27) To what ever angel did he say ‘Sit at my right side until I put your enenmies under your feet’ Ps 110:1) No they are priest spirits for working sent out for those who become possessors of deliverance.

2 As a result we should have greater attention to what we have heard so we don’t wander off. If messenger angels (That solves it-Ed) spoke the word which was confirmed by deviation, disobediance resulting in right retribution. How then shall we escape if we have neglected a greater deliverance established through what was spoken by the Master confirmed by those who heard, endorsing their witness by signs and terrors and various power demonstrations by the Special Spirit divided as he wants.

No messenger-angels have come under habitation which is to come which we speak of. Written someone said ‘”What is man that you should remember him or the descendant of mankind to visit him. He was a little lower than the messenger/angels surrounded by triumph and respect and you appointed him over the effort of your hands, everything under his feet’ (Ps 8:4-6) Everything coming under and nothing not under him but we briefly see Yeshua made lower;The fate of death, then surrounded with triumph and respect so that by God’s gift experiencing death for everyone. It was correct for everything and by everything many descendants triumph bringing the established of the deliverance through his fate complete.

The one who makes special so that the special are the same together. Therefore he isn’t ashamed to call them Brethren saying ‘I will tell your name to my brothers in the middle of the called out gathering (Brethren Assembly ?-Ed I honestly don’t know last time I went to one and spoke they wrote me a letter telling me not to return-paul) I will sing’ (Ps 22:22) ‘I will be confident in him’ Isa 8:17 Or elsewhere ‘Look its me and the children God gave me’ Isa 8:18 And since the children share flesh and blood in the same way also he in death paralyzed the strength of death, in other words ‘the accuser’; setting free those fearing death all their lives in danger of slavery. Never were messenger/angels what he took hold of. But the sperm of Abraham (Yuk- Ed) is what he took hold of. So he became like his brothers in every way to become the true establishing priest of God to make peace for the failure of his people. In what he has encountered being tested he can strengthen those tested with help.

3 So Special brothers, Friends in the heavenly calling, consider the one sent and establishing priest of our agreement. Anointed Yeshua trusted by his composer, with Moses in all the house. He has more triumph than Moses worthy of more respect because he built the house. Everything is built by someone or other. God built all things. Moses was trusted in everything in the house as a foster carer a witness of everything going to be said. The anointed descendant over his house, we are his house as long as our cheering is in the assured and confirmed hope we should have.Take Note! The Special Spirit says ‘Today if you hear his voice don’t harden your hearts as what happened in the day of agitation, the day of testing in the desert. Testing me your fathers proved over 40 years my actions. Therefore I was frustrated with that generation and said they will always wander around, the heart of it was they did not know my way. I vowed in anger that they would get to the destination’ Ps 95:7-11 (What this word Destination ? Katapausis-I know this translation will be ripped to pieces by the experts but stay with it and see how it fits into the context of making a journey to the promised land) Watch out brothers! Or else you could have an evil heart without faith abandoning the living God. Instead talk it over among yourselves as long as it remains ‘Today’ The call ‘Don’t harden your hearts as in the agitation’ well some who heard agitated so that not all who were brought out of Egypt by Moses, well he was frustrated with them for 40 years, they failed, body parts fell off in the desert … to them he vowed ‘They will never get to the destination’ Those who refused, who rebelled, se we see they were unable to enter in because they were without faith.4 Have fear! Because God has left us a promise ‘Get to the destination’ Don’t miss out! We have the Good News just like they did. But that didn’t help. The word heard by them not harmonized by faith when they heard ‘Get to the destination’ Only by faith as he said ‘I vowed they will never get to the destination’ inspite of the effort from the conception of the ordered arrangement which is completed. Somewhere he said about the seventh ‘God got to his destination on the seventh so destined all his efforts’ (Gen 2:2) In the same place If they got to the destination therefore there is left a destination for some to get to…. And those who heard the Good News before didn’t get there as a result of disobedience. Be very certain that there is decided period of time ‘Today’ David said long ago ‘Today if you hear his voice don’t harden your hearts’ If Yeshua got to the destination he wouldn’t have said later ‘Today’ (Joshua 24:15) There remains a Sabbath for God’s people. He that gets to the destination also destined from his efforts just as God did. Try hard to get to that destination or else the same as in our example you fall into rebellion.

God’s word is living active sharper than any two edged sword penetrating to the dividing of life and spirit, joints and bone judging thoughts intentions of the heart. Nothing in creation is invisible seen by him everything naked, exposed to his eyes who has the word. Joined with a great establishing priest gone through the heavens Yeshua descendant of God grabb hold of this recognition. Our establishing priest is not unsympathetic with out inherit weaknesses, tested every which way the same as us without failure bring them with assurance to his head office of grace receiving kindness and gifts we need for our help.

5 Every establishing priest is taken from mankind for mankind appoint to God for offering gifts and sacrifices for failure with brokenness for those who carn’t understand, have wandered off, because he as well was chained with inherit weaknesses. Therefore from this debt for the people as well as for himself he makes offering for failure.

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1 comment:

  1. These days I am working slower and more carefully seeing that every word I put in is best fit for the other places where that word is used in the bible. This makes the text less racy (People say have you read The Message and I just avoid it in case i get contaminated by it) So there is this frustrating balance between readability and accuracy. Translation and paraphrase. I love what St Peter himself has to say about St Paul- Some of the things he says we don't understand ! Paul's problem and this book of Hebrew is no exception is that he knows tooo much and so fails to sometimes let us the reader in on the loop. Not that this should frustrate us, as in Revelation it tells of scrolls sealed up until the end of times and literally there are parts of the bible which are sealed up until the time comes when they will become clear. So it is no dishonor being true to the text and reproducing things which don't make sence.
    Rob Hall in his current very important Reformation which involves the deconstruction of the Christian religion (By God don't blame Rob he is just the messenger) He is showing how things Jesus/Yeshua says don't make any sence or a contradictory. I found one mid week concerning the words 'Lifted up' In John 3:14/15 Jesus literally preaches a gospel I would love to preach to any coven of witches from my local area. A snake on a pole- how evil can you get! But contrast that with John 8:27-28 /29 and you get into a discussion the priest and experts of the law were having from Leviticus about the need to stone to death people who like Jesus are blashphemous against God. That then crosses to Duet 21:21/22 where the option opens to not have a good stoning to death- seriously popular with the people- but to trun it into a hanging or better still a crucifixion. Jesus in the two John discussions is then talking directly to that debate. He says not if but when you life up the Descendant of Man. The you will know I am not the rebellious son of Dueteronomy 21. And how do we know all this ?
    Professor Yigal Yadin the Chief of Staff for the IDF in the 48 war wrote about this in his book the Temple Scroll. He was a believer in Yeshua and paid for that with his life. Ask Mossad how they did it.
