This is a live real time project- thankyou for joining it.
The process has three elements to it. God whose word is dependable and true. The Bible text which is fagile and disputed in places and constantly challenged. And Paul.
The strongest element -God, must be in and through his word for this to succeed.
Then there is the work done on the text and languages. And Paul.
Pray with me now. Lord God please we pray give us a Bible for all tribes, nations languages and peoples. We give this project now back to you and pray that you will help us do it. And Paul.
So what is the Bible (Excellent question-Ed)
It is over 100 documents brought together over thousands of years. The first Gen1:1-2:4 written and signed by God. The second Gen 2:5-5:2 written signed by Adam. Genesis then is 11 documents (the last written by Joseph in Egypt-Ed) compiled by Moses, edited and uprated. The last book of the Torah Deuteronomy is likewise compiled edited and written on clay tablets by Joshua. The most active editor was Solomon and he brought together enough documents and contributions so that a Bible was emerging. Some parts are secular history written for imperial authorities (Daniel, Nehemiah Esther, Luke. Acts-Ed) and the last book is again written in Hebrew- Revelation- and is the code key for the whole book.
But before that was written and before Jesus was born Egyptian Jewish authorities working with the Egyptian King had down graded the text with a Greek translation. A process continued centuries later by St Jerome who created a Latin Christian religion.
So why a translation now?
Well let me say that no one needs a Bible-paul
People have operated and continue to operate ignorant of the Bible and yet get True Religion.
My Muslim brothers and Pentecostal brothers both demonstrate faith and by intuition achieve a level of righteousness (Sura 6:155/156) but at other times go to Afghanistan to kill each other.
The misnamed 'New Testament' is and owners manuel which instructs us how to operate the Revelation. when things go wrong it is wise to consult the manual but some work without it.
The misnamed Old Testament is the specifications design detail and code structure of the Revelation and is essential for understanding the religion given us by God.
Restoring now the ancient Greek and Hebrew words with primary meaning is key.
For example Donkey- is a Hebrew word that expains how Nimrod built his 10 Iraqi cities and towers. While other Hebrew words tell us what Abraham was doing.
In Brooklyn New York there is a young zealous would be Rabbi who knows much of the detail of the Torah but is now only taking baby steps of faith...
In Colorado Springs there is a Pentecostal who has great faith and world changing power yet lacking knowledge could make a large mistake...
(Yes Moses said that would happen-Deut 32:21-Ed)
Pray with me now. Lord God we want to come before your throne and present to you a Bible which is good for our tribes, nations, languages and peoples. Help us now we pray. Amen
Revelation written in Hebrew? That's a new idea to me. Please explain!
ReplyDeleteWhat i am finding with translation of the book of Psalms is a very simple (From my point of view)multidimensional code inside the Hebrew language (previously i have written a 1680 Chinese Character dictionary which also works on a code breaking aprroach to learning language)
ReplyDeleteGrammatical translators want to tell you all the time why this word has some special nuance which makes it unique...blah blah blah...
The child like approach is if it sounds familiar then it is probably linked, if pictorially the word/character wants to speak to us-then it will, and so on.
Matthew's gospel being witten firstly in Hebrew (source a comment by St Jerome) is for some NT writers the prefered language even though by that time it had become effectively a dead ancient language. But St Paul being fluent in Hebrew was, over that sort of approach and writes very sophisticated Greek while you see in the final credits to Peters letters that he has a Greek expert working with him, so these books are often written with the scribe/editor alongside the apostle.(Mark/Peter gospel)
Revelation then in terms of Greek is a poor text. Sure being in a prison camp St John may be writing without assistance, so his work cannot compare to the marvelous construction and balance we see in his gospel. But given the code that is falling out all over the place the theory is- And that is all it is- A hunch- the theory is that as the final capstone code key (Such as currently developing in NY-Rev 17/18) A Hebrew treatment of this book is required so that back translating we can sort out which English/traget langauge words to use.
As with any new phase in church history there are always those who take things too far... and so you can be sure the very very last thing I as a translator will attempt is the book of Revelation so that by then i will have the maximum ammount of resources to work with.
Pray with me now. Lord God we pary at this time for our brother in the Lord Jeff Benner. Lord guide him and give him the insight and resources to attempt back translation of the gospel of Matthew and Revelation and Lord if anywhere on the face of this earth there is an existing copy of Matthew's gospel in Hebrew or something for the book of Revelation that needs to emerge we pray that It Will!!! You are God all knowing we love and trust you Amen.
Linguistics: If it sounds similar....
ReplyDeleteSpread out now over a region streaching from the Atlantic coast (Brooklyn NY) to Afganistan and beyond the language of the Bible is 'ertz' millions of pottery fragments of meaning scattered.... wanting to return home....
God said to Ezekiel. 'Ben Adam! Can these bone fragments speak? And then as he watched Ezekiel saw what is happening today happen! (Isa 60:8)
New York burning will for the Jews finally destroy a great love affair, dancing around the Torah scrolls which has been going on since synagogue tradition developed in Babylon.
Then- Captivity in Babylon for at least 70 years and Now; Are the most significant language learning and development times since Abraham lived in a tent. Babylon allowed the widest range of cantact to take place with ancient middle eastern meanings over the entire area through Jewish merchant banking (See Tom Howard's 'Persian Fire' for an explanation of how Daniel was instumental in choosing the next Persian Emperor after Cyrus)
And currently the Ben Yuhuda language of David resurrection of ancient Hebrew allows us to act in a dynamic way with something we can work with on a daily basis investing new/ancient meaning into Hebrew a living language.
Sorry if a muchloved Pslam is now trashed; or your theological basis is destroyed; somehow or other...God hasn't changed! His word hasn't changed! Rather words that belonged together thousands of years ago scattered have been linked up...and this translation work is only a start in that process. Not like KJV or Jerome's Latin- Road Blocks of Wrong Religion.
As it emerges the nature of what I am doing will allow The Dynamic of Translation to be the tool for everyone who works with an interest in the text to with the click of a key have all the words in the entire bible change for the entire text...As understanding breaks through!
As an example of that Baruk-
Name of an Egptian President who is before the courts, an American President who has yet to prove himself; And a leader in Israel.
And as I said in the sevenpillarsofwisdom blog- The most beautiful sound ever heard- the noise made of a camel complaining going down on it's knees- when that happens God Speaks from heaven!
Blessing can only come, Peace can only come, Islam/Mubarak when we get down on our knees and pray to God. That is the meaning of the word Barak/Shalom