Friday, November 25, 2011

Psalm 119

Thirty Psalms translated from Hebrew to English (120-150) we now come to a peak in 119.
My favourite verse has always been since going to Bible College of New Zealand to study why theology as taugh is false and why people do not believe the Bible- I also investigated old cupboards looking for skeletons and found interesting documants in respect of our church history.. Is 'I have more understanding than all my teachers because I meditate upon your law'
But the verse that makes this Psalm urgent at this time is 126:
Time for the Lord to work, they have made void the law.
These days in addition to my duties at work being part of a family and this translation I am obsessed with Brooklyn New York and the need for things to be happening there. (Favona Report blog-Ed)
The three religions I follow- there are more- for example I listened with amazement some years ago when my son went to Youth Parliament to represent his generation as a Radical Youth leader hearing the world's first Rastafarian MP speaking on the phone to a friend and they were discussing the Hebrew Torah- I have never ever heard in 50 years of Christianity such a discussion taking place in political office! Islam takes the view that the Jews have faked up the Torah so it cannot be trusted nor should be taken seriously or consulted except when it comes to stoning for divorce and cutting off hands etc.
It seems to me that Jews are in a world of their own when it comes to the Torah and would love to find out what they are thinking.
And Christianity has wrongly abolished the Law. Banned it except for Tithing to make the Senior Pastor Wealthy- Overseas Holidays, hideaway homes, churches established in tourist resorts, flying everywhere, many brand new vechiles and the Harley Motorbike, A TV program and the largest most successful church building program (You are jealous aren't you!-Ed. No just listing what Pastor Peter showed to me at the start of this year before I was told to leave.)
But Yes No- what our religions think about the Torah is not my concern here.
Rather it is the absence of respect not of the token having the 10 commandments on the courthouse wall, but the lack of seeing that the idolatry of modern day life is making God extremely jealous and angry such that these days it may appear to some that God has gone feral. It is into that political realm of God at work in the actual events of human history in justice and righteousness which I as his servant and prophet come into.
Let me end with an example of what I am getting at here. Here in New Zealand at the start of the year the first political event is to go to Ratana gathering place to honor that Maori Prophet. Now he once upon a time travelled to England to see the king of england about the Treaty we have, and failing that making prophecies fulfilled in WW2 came home via Japan where his ship was stopped by an industrial dispute. A Japanese Christain Bishop arranged for Ratana to meet and talk to the Emperor of Japan. When he was there he told the Emperor to stop the people worshipping him as a god and said if he didn't he has seen to powerful lights in the heavens brighter than the sun, and the cities of Japan would burn.
When it comes to respect for the Torah that is what I am thinking about.
Approach my call, shouting out facing I Am percieving the outline. Sweep in mercy for me approaching, rescue me as you said. My lips pour out, shine out because you teach your appointment. My tongue will answer your word because all your instructions are right. May your hand help me because I select your method statement. I long for your judgements. Like sheep wandering off, lost saving your servant becasue i will not for get your instruction.
Officials have chase after me for nothing and your agenda makes my heart tremble. I have joy in your word finding increasing looted prize (This word SLL occurs 10 times in the Bible and is a critical concept for the 21st century-Ed) Lying I hate, disgusted with. Your instructions I love. Seven times (Islam only has 5-Ed) a day I shine for your directive which is right. Increasing completion (Shalom-Ed) to those who love your instruction (Torah-Ed) and don't stumble. I wait patiently for your saving me and doing your directives. Night watch of my being, gathered wittnesses very loving; (Thats nice someone loves you-Ed) Night watch of your method statement, gathered wittnesses because your road has been seen before.

1 comment:

  1. The number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet
    And Hebrew spelling are highly debateable- at least with the scholars I consult with; But Tau comes last and so I have memorized it but hang around and the rest of Ps 119 will emerge here. There is as you can see a range of words Solomon uses for the words God speaks to him. Torah is currently at least in Crown Heights- Sacred- the first 5 Books edited, contributed to by Moses, finished off and completed by Yeshua tribe of Ephriam is here Torah/'Instructions' 'Method statement' only occurs a few times in the Bible and almost always used here in this part of the book. Appointment and Outline are my own translation of words- others would translate them differently. God Bless! For me the 'rescue me as you said' KJV is still in my mind 'Deliever me' which means that if I ever get to Crown Heights God will have to personally -Deliever me. His problem: Or I just live and die in the same place- Hey like Moses in Midian I don't expect to move... and besides as you know I'm not very good at speaking in public!(And Jonah has more good excuses) Pray with me in this last section of Ps 119. Lord God I am now doing a big shout out ,call to you, on behalf of the Rusta and Jew Brothers from CH. I have worked out kinda what you are upto in the world and CH is now the center of the universe especially as you have establisehd you Tabernacle there in Brooklyn where the most beautiful women in the world are your singgers. So Lord God you will have to deliever me if I'm ever going to get there otherwise like Jonah/Moses I'm not going! If you can use any one-move me is how the line they sing should really be sung! But as you have an outline, instructions, clear method statements, and appointment for me with a Hatian Saint; Even if I have wandered off as we lost sheep are prone to do, you will save me you servant so that I can work for you in the heart of Brooklyn where you are right now.Amen love paul
