Sunday, April 17, 2011

Jesus and the nations

Jesus and the nations

When the master knew the Pharisses had heard Jesus was immersing and making more followers than John-Although Jesus himself was not immersing but his followers he left the Jewish region and went back to Galille. Goiing there he needed to go through Samaria. He came to the Samarian town of Sychar near land that Jacob gave to Joseph his son. Now there was Joseph's spring there. Tired from the journey he sat down at the spring, it was about midday. A woman came out of Samaria to get water. Jesus said to her 'Give me a drink' because his followers had gone to the town to buy stuff. The woman said to him 'How come you a Jew ask me for a drink and talk to a Samaritan woman ? Because there is no contact between Jews and Samaritans.' Jesus answered saying to her 'If you knew the provision of God and who it is who says -give me a drink- you would have asked him and he would give you living water' The woman said to him 'Master you have nothing to gewt water with and the well is deep. Where do you get thisa living water ? Are you greater than our ancestor Jacob who gave us this well and drank from it himself as well as his sons and animals ?' Jesus answered saying to her;'Everyone who drinks from this water thirst again. But anyone who drinks the water I give to him shall become a spring of water springing to life continuing.' the woman said to him 'Mister give me some of this water so I won't thirst or have to come to get water.' He said to her 'Go call your husband and come here' She answered 'Mister I don't have a hisband' He said 'Good answer I don't have a husband. You have had five husbands and the lastest isn't you husband. You told it like it is.' She said to him; Mister I sence that you are a prophet. Now our ancestors worshipped on this mountain and you guys say Jerusalem (And we Muslims say Mecca-Ed) in the place to worship.' Jesus said to her 'Woman trust me the time is coming when neither this mountain or Jerusalem, to worship the father. You worship what you don't understand we worship what we do know because deliverance is from the Jews. But the time is coming and now is where true worshippers will worship the father in spirit and truth. What the father wants is those who worship to do it that way. God is spirit so spirit and truth is the way to worship.' The woman replied 'I know that when The Anointed comes the Malik/King he will when he comes tell us everything.' Jesus said to her; 'I Am speaking to you' The disciples turned up at this point wondering what he was doing talking to a woman, but no one woulod say 'Why are you speaking to her' or 'What are you up to'. The woman left her water pot and took off to town saying to the local men 'Come and see a man who told me everything I did. Is this The Anointed ?' They came out of the town coming to him. While that was going on the followers said 'Rabbi eat' But he said to them 'I have food to eat you don't know about' The followers discussed this saying 'Did anyone bring him something ?' Jesus said to them ,My food is to do the purpose of him who sent me to complete his work. Don't say four months until harvest arrives. Come look around use your eyes and see the fields are white for harvest. He that takes in gets a reward gathering product for continuing life, this means that those who plant will rejoice with those who gather in. I sent you to gather in things that you haven't worked on, others did the work but you become part of the project.' And out of the town many believed in him-Samaritans! Because of the testimony of the woman. 'He told me everything I did' When the Samaritans came to him they asked him to stay with them and he stayed two days. And even more believed because of his word. To the woman they said 'not just because of what you said but we ourselves have heard and we know this man is honestly the deliever of the world The Anointed' But after two days he went on going to Galilee. He said to himself 'A prophet in his own nation is without honor' When he came back to Galilee the local Galileans took him in having seen everything he did in Jerusalem at the feast. They had also gone to the feast. Jesus came again to Cana Galilee where he had made wine out of water. There was an elite whose son was sick at Capuernanum. He heard that Jesus had come up from Jewish region to Galilee and went to him and asked him to come and heal his son who was about to die. The elite said to him 'Sir come before my child dies, my dear little child' Jesus saidf to him 'Go! Your son lives.' the man believed what was said to him by Jesus and went away. As he was coming his workers met him 'The child lives' He asked them when the child had got better. They said to him 'Yesterday at 1pm' the the father knew it was the time when Jesus said 'Your son lives'. He believed and he and hois entire house. That was the second sign that Jesus did coming back from the Jewish region to Galilee.

1 comment:

  1. A few weeks ago I was working on this John 4 post and had just written the word 'do not say 4 months until harvest' and arriving at work after about an hour a couple of muslim clergy men turned up and i was able to tell them what they wanted to know about our operation. But as well I could tell them that I had been muslim, and why I left and direct them to one of my blogs
    This for me told me that God is very serious about the hard planting that I have been doing and that a harvest is now coming. Sure we will not get any encouragement from other christians just as Jesus got no Jewish friends from going to Samaria...but God will save people anyway- so keep working!
