Friday, July 29, 2011

Romans 12

I tell you brothers by the mercy of God to offer your bodies a special living sacrifice acceptable to God (Ed lets do that together right now-paul) our intelligent work. Don't be a continuing fashion statement but be translated (Shouldn't that be transformed?-Ed Well as a translator I though you would prefer that-paul) by the renewing of your intellect, approved the will of God-Good acceptable complete. I say by the reward given me with you all, not highly intelligent, intellect but leave intellect- Sensible intellect as God divided out to each a standard of faith. As the body has many body parts as all body parts we are. We don't do the same exploits. So many yet- a body will be in the Anointed each one other body parts will be rewarded by the reward given differently; Be it prophecy by the formula of faith; Working in working or teaching in teaching, talking with others in talking with, sharing with honesty and supervising in urgency with kindness and a sence of humor. (Well we have got the sence of humor-Ed) Love geniunely detest evil. Glued to good, liking others warmth respecting the other to go first. Urgent not holding back, spiritually passionate working in season. Hope happy in distress enduring in prayer never letting go. Sharing the need of the Special Ones chasing after to make friends of strangers. Honor those who chase after you. Honor don't curse. Be happy with those who are happy. Weep with those who weep. The same intellect as others not highly intelligent but with the lower class (Ed should I give up this Bible Translation stunt so as not to make it look like I'm not just another construction worker ?) going with them. Don't be intellectual. Yourself never repaying for evil. Doing right before all men you powerfully being in harmony with all men. My friend don't avenge but give place for anger. The bible says; 'Vengence is mine I will repay says the Master' (Duet 32:35) If your hated is hungry feed him if he is thirsty give him a drink. Doing this is like heads overwhellmed by burning charcoal. Don't come out on top by evil but come on top by good over evil. 13 All life comes under ultimate authority. There is no authority but from God, authority under God. Authority under God's permission. He who battles against authority, God's set up they force against. And forcing against getting judgement. Don't fear establishers for good effort rather for evil. If you don't want to be afraid of authority then do good (This is typical bad translation style which allows for a double meaning in the first statement so that we can be suspicious of both Hitler and Stalin but then it becomes in the second statement up to us-paul) and you have praise for it. God's worker is for good. but if you do evil be afraid. Wearing the gun comes from God, his worker, his anger tracking down those doing evil. (The 'tracking down' is not paraphrase- the Koin Greek actually says that-Ed) You need to come under not only for his anger but as well for conscience. Pay your taxes! Priests of God is what (our Government-Ed) they are, never letting go. Repay all your debts! Tax whatever tax. Completely and I mean completely (Sounds to me as if this Jew boy writing this has had a touch from God-Ed Yes there is a story about that, I tell it to you some time-Luke 19:8-paul) Fear for fear; Respect for respect; Don't be in debt! Except love for each other. Love for the other completes the law. Don't be unfaithful or killing or stealing or false testimony. Dont lust and any other requirement in this Bible is summed up in this; Love your close one as yourself. Love to close one- evil doesn't work. Love completes the Law.
Seeing the season the time, we should reawaken from sleep because the nearer than we believed is delieverance. The night is nearly over, the day approaches, strip off the effort of darkness and clothed with light saber (Ed that should be good for you because now you can fight aliens!-paul) Respectfully walking, not parties, drunk, bedplay, and orgies of hedonsim or trouble making and passion. But clothed with Master Yeshua Anointed. The flesh don't think about or lust after. 14 The sick in faith accept. Not by discrimination or thinking. One believes to eat everything (Yes Ed I saw that with my own eyes in China-paul) The sick eats vegatbles. One eats and the other doesn't eat. Don't judge who God accepts. Judging someone elses domestic. To his master; Stands or Falls. God can make us stand, standing him. Someone judges one day above another day. Another judges everyday. Each in their own mind complete. He who sees the day, the master sees. He that doesn't see the day doesn't see the master. He that eats to the master eats thanking God. He that doesn't eat thanks God. No one lives for himself or dies for himself. If we live for the master live! If we die for the master die! If we live if we die we are the master's. You see the Anointed both died and rose and lives again so that he can rule over both dead and living Why judge your brother ? Do you despise your brother ? All will stand before the stage of the Anointed. The Bible says 'As I live says the Master to me bowed all knees all languages admitting to God' (Isa 9:18) Then each about ourselves giving a word to God. Lets not judge each other instead judge ourselves. Don't lay a stunbling stone for your brother to fall. I know convinced in Master Yeshua nothing is common of itself but accounting it is common- Then it is common. (Did he just used the Greek word for logic in that statement?-Ed Good thing I'm his translator-paul) If for meat my brothers is in grief then living in love, meat will not destroy one who the Anointed died for. No mocking what is good. The government of God is not for eating or drinking but harmony and being right, happy in the special spirit. The salve of the Annointed does this acceptable to God and approved by men. Chase after this harmony building up each other. Not for meat we tear down the effort of God. Everything is clear but evil on the man causing a stunbling stone by eating. It is not right to eat steack and drink wine if in that your brother stunbles, is upset, is sick. You have faith! For yourself seen by God? Blessed he who doesn't judge himself in what is apporved. But in seeing difference if he eats has been judged because it isn't faith. What isn't faith is failure.
15 We are obligated the powerful to carry the sick and the impossible (Yes I have met some of those-Ed) We don't please ourselves instead each of us please our close ones building up for good. the Anointed did not please himself but as the Bible says 'Rejection of rejection fell on me' (Psalms 69:9) You see all that was written for our instruction, written that by endurance and the Life Gurad of the Bible so we have have hope. God of endurance and the Life Guard give you the same intelloigence with each other by the Anointed Jesus so united our voice triumphing in God the father of our Master Yeshua Anointed. So take in addition to each other; As well as the Anointed has accepted us for the triumph of God. I tell you the Anointed worker became surgical cutting for the truth confirming the promise of the ancestors. this I admit in the nations and sing your name. Again it says 'Party nations with his people' (Duet 32:43) and also 'Praise the Master all nations and praise him all people' (Ps 117:1) As well Isaiah says 'there is a root of Jesse that rises establishing nations in him nations hope' (Isa 11:10) (You know Ed, after Emperor Qin China had and Imperial system, written language and customs- such as Chinese New Year which is literally borrowed from the Hebrews! and here New Zealand is lead by a famous Jew) Now the God of hope complete in you joy harmony in your believing excess hope by the power of the special spirit. Convinced brothers and me too about you that you are completely good with knowledge able to remind. I wrote to you brother daringly partially to jog your memory because of the reward which was given to me by God to be a Priest of Yeshua Anointed to the nations an as a slaughtering priest for God's Good News so making the offering to the nations. Welcome made by the special spirit rejoicing in the Anointed Yeshua unto God. I wioll not dare to say what the Anointed has not made by me for obediant nations by the effort of the word in power with indications and terrors-The power of the spirit of God. My tour from Jerusalem to Illyricum completing the Good News of the Anointed. Being highly ambitious to share Good News wher ethe Anointed was not named. Not building on anothers foundation. Instead the Bible says 'Who is was not reported about, him has seen and what was not heard they get it' (Isa 52:1) So that hamstrung many times from visiting you no longer having a place in the parts, now desiring to visit you for many years....when I travel to Spain I will visit you, I hope travelling through to see you, And by you sent out first part filled. Now travelling to Jerusalem working for the special people happy with the share of Macedonia and Achaia made for the destitute of the special ones in Jerusalem, obligated for the spiritual shared by them for us here in the nations (Yes and I as a New Zealander can agree with that- imagine God sending to the ends of the earth his annointed leader to lead us-Ed) Obligated as we are in the flesh our priesthood duty to minister back to them. Then complete result sealed I will visit you to Spain. i know coming to you complete, good word and Good News the Anointed visiting. Your Life Gurad brothers our Master Yeshua Anointed and by love of the spirit, work together with me in prayers to God that I will be resuced from the 'who refuse' in the Jewish territory and my work in Jerusalem will be welcome by the special people, so in joy I can visit you God willing (Inshallah for those with an Islamic background-Ed) and I can sleep with you. God of harmony be with everyone of you. Let it Be!
16 I recommend to you Phoebe our sister a worker of the called our gathering in Conchreae, recieve her by the Master, she is good value, so special people present her what her actions need. She has mothered many myself included. Greetings to Priscilla and Aquilla my co-workers in anointed Yeshua who have risked their knecks, not only I but all the called out gathering of the nations with the gathering at their house. Greet Epenidus who is the first pick of the Anointed in Achaia. greet Mary who laboured much for us. greet Andronicus and Junias my relatives and joint captives branded, sent ones before me in the Anointed. Greet Amplias my freind in Master. Greet Urbanus our coworkers and Stachys my friend. greet Apelles the accepted in the Anointed. Greet the family Aristobulus. Greet Heodion my realtive. Greet the family of Narcissus who are with the Master. Gret Tryphena and Tryphosa who laboured with the Master. Greet Persia our freind who laboured much with the Master. Greet Rufus the chose with the Master and his and my mother. Greet Asyncitus Phlegon Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and with them brothers. Greet Philologus and Julia, Nercus and his sister Olympia with them and all the special people. greet each other with a special hug. Greet the called out gatherings of the Anointed. I tell you brothers watch out for those 'stand offs' and 'trip ups' with the teaching you learnt- shut them out. Such don't slave for our Master Yeshua anointed but with their own belly and with fancy words and honor (Well thats not us-Ed) tricked the hearts of innocent. Your obediance revealed everyone is happy with you. I wish you wise about good and harmless about evil. the God of harmony shatter Satan under your feet in season. Reward of the Master Yeshua Anointed is yours. Timothy my co-worker and Lucius greet you as well as Jason, Sosipater my relatives. I Tertius who wrote this letter send greetings for the Master. Gaius my foreigner and the called out gathering send greetings. Erastus the city manager and Quartus a brother send greetings. the reward of our Master Yeshua Anointed with you all; Let it Be!
To him power to plant the Good New by my advertising of Yeshua Anointed. Disclosure of confidential continuing period, unknown but revealed by the Bible prophets, by the ruling of God continuing for faith obediance for all the nations revealed; Alone wise God in Yeshua Anointed be triumph continuing-Let it Be!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Romans 10

Brothers, my heart is happy, the need of God is the delieverance of Israel:
I testify to them with passion and not by knowledge. Ignorant of God's right way, their own right way searching to plant the right way of God. Not submitting to God. Completion the Anointed's law for being right for all who believe. Moses (In the Bible-Ed) writes about the right way of the law. 'By doing this mankind lives by that'(Lev 18:5) But the faith of the right way says; 'Don't say in your heart who shall go up to heaven ?' (Duet 30:12) to bring (Ed this might be describing aliens here-paul Yes have you seen that new movie 'Cowboys and Aliens' starring the former US President wanting to have his career as cowboy revived-Ronald Ray Gun-Ed) to bring the Anointed; 'Who will descend to the bottomless' (Duet 30:13) to bring the Anointed from death. 'What does it say ?'Near to you is the command. In your mouth in your heart' (Duet 30:14) The command of faith explained; If you agree by mouth Yeshua Master and believe in your heart God reawakened him from the dead-Delievered! For heart is belief for being right and mouth agrees for delieverance. The Bible says; 'All who believe on him will not be ashamed' (Isaiah 28:16) Jews Greeks no distinction. the master of everyone, rich to all that call him. (Ed thats written for you- you need to call on Yeshua and be saved!) 'All may call on the name Master and be delievered.' (Joel 2:32)
But how will they call on not believed ? How will they believe on not heard ? How will they hear without explanation? How explanation unless sent out ? As the Bible says 'Ripe are the feet good news harmony of those telling the Good News' (Isa 52:7) But not everyone obeyed the good news. Isaiah says 'Master who has believed what we heard?' (Isa 53:1) Faith is by what is heard, and what is heard is God's word. But I ask- Did you hear? Indeed into all the earth has gone out the sound to the limits of the inhabited world' (Ps 19:4) (Hey that verse describes where we live- Did you know that 1000 years ago Polynesians visited and lived on the Auckland Islands 50S- Man that is going to limits!) But I say; Israel did not understand. First Moses says; 'I will rpovoke them to jealousy by a not a nation by an ignorant nation' (Duet 32:21) (Yes I wanted to blog about that very thing- This US debt crisis proves that Moses knew what he was talking about-Ed) Isaiah is outspoken saying; 'I was found by those not searching being exhibited to those not researching' (Isa 65:1) Of Israel he says; 'All day i streacjed out my hands to people refusing and arguing against' (Isa 65:2) 11 So I say; Did God throw out his people? No Way! I am also an Israelite; sperm of Abraham, tribe of Benjamin. God didn't throw out his own people who he knew before. Remember in Elijah what the Bible says, he interceeds with God against Israel saying; 'Master they killed your prophets and places of scarifice demolished, I am left, only me and they search for my life. (1 Kings 19:10,14) And what was his advice ? 'I have seven thousand men left who have not bowed a knee to Baal.' (1 Kings 19:18) the same then in the current season. There is a 'left over' by the reward of choosing. And if reward then not from effort. Reward cannot be reward, if its effort its not reward-then effort is not longer effort. So what? Israel hardened, serching then didn't obtain the choosing that others obtained. As a result the Bible says;'God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that cannot see, ears unable to hear, to this time' (Duet 29:4) And Daivd says; 'May their table be a trap and upset repay them. Eyes darkened unable to see, their backs continually bowed down' (Ps 69:22.23) So I say. Tripped to fall? No Way! But their mistake is delieverance for nations to provoke them to jealousy. If mistakes are luxury for civilisation and their shortage luxury for nations, then much much more will be their completion. I speak for the nations as I am sent to nations, my work my reward. If doing this I am provoking jealousy, those who are my flesh, to deliever some... If cast aside, exchanged civilisation then acceptance; Life for death. If the first pick is special and the mixture, the root-special then branches too. If some branches broken off so wild olive is grafted becoming in common with the root and the richness of the olive- Well don't boast as a branch! If you want to boast the root carries you (Yes on that people should read our post on this blog-Watching paint dry-Ed) Your root! You can say; Branches were broken so I could be grafted in. OK. Not believing they were broken off. By faith you are planted. don't be highly intellectual rather fear! If God the natural branches didn't aquit, neither you aquit. OK then enjoyable and sudden to you; Enjoyable if you continue, enjoyable or else hit your head! And if they didn't continue, not believing, God is powerful to graft in again. Graft them in. If naturally you a wild olive hit your head and unnaturally were grafted into the good olive then much more then it is natural they should be grafted into their own olive. Look I don't want you brothers to be unable to understand this confidential idea or else become yourselves-wise. Hardness for part of Israel has been until the completion of the nations is come in. All Israel will be delievered as it is found in the Bible; 'Out of Zion the rescuer to remove disrespect for Jacob. And from me this agreement when removing their failure' (Isa 59:20-21) For the good news-hated for you; but the choosing loved for the ancestors. The reward and call of God without regret. Just as you were once rebellious to God now kindness in thier rebellion. therefore rebellious now the kindness you have. they also will have kindness. We are all netted with God. In rebellion, all kindness.
Oh deep riches both wisdom and knowledge of God. How mysterious his judgement and trackless his way. 'Who knows the mind of the Master ? Who became his advisor ? Who first returned favor ? Of him, through him and to him everything all continuing triumph. Let it be' (Isa 40:13)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Romans 8

Now there is no penalty for those in Yeshua Anointed not living by the flesh but by the spirit.
The law of the Spirit of Life in Anointed Yeshua free from the law of failure and death.
The law is powerless being weak through the flesh. God sent his own descendant with the same failure flesh so right rules of the law completed in us; For those not living in the flesh but the Spirit. By the flesh-things of the flesh intellect; And the Spirit things of the spirit. The intellect of the flesh-Death. The intellect of the spirit-Life and harmony because the intellect of the flesh has hatred for God. The law of God doesn't come under it. Not able in the flesh, unable to please God. You are not in flesh but in Spirit! If God's Spirit is housed in you but if the Spirit of the Anointed was not, then it is not on him. If the Anointed is in you then the body dead by failure but the Spirit-Life by being right. The Spirit reawakened Yeshua out of death housed in you. Reawakened the Anointed from the dead enlivened the liable to die body; Inside you for you by the the Spirit.
Brothers we are not in debt to the flesh living by the flesh. If living by the flesh nearly dying. By the Spirit-exploits! The body dead; living!
Those brough by the Spirit are descendants of God. You have not taken a spirit of fear based slavery but taken a spirit fostering, so we cry out; 'Daddy daddy' (Father)
By itself the Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. If children, then winners, if winners then co winners with the Anointed. If we go through with him we also triumph with him.
Discounted, not fair value, current season fate with triumph about to be revealed. Looking out the dominion expects the disclosure of the descendants of God (Ed what do you think about that deep earthquake under Taupo the other week. could it be the start of another Taupo volcano as big as the one which covered the North Island with ash and gave the world cold years as the entire atmoshpere was filled with New Zealand's dust ? I don't know but as we can see this does relate to our experiences in the spirit-Ed) In emptiness the denominator was in it's place not willingly, but in place by hope, that the denominator will be freed from slavery of destruction to freedom, the triumph of the children of God. We know the denominator cries out with labour up until now. Not alone we also the first pick of the Spirit we have cried out expecting fostering, the ransome of our body. Hope is for delieverance. Hope seen is not hope. If we see it why hope for it ? What carn't be seen we hope for. Enduring we expect. The Spirit the same way with us takes our inherent weaknesses so we pray what we don't know. But the Spirit makes intercession for us with groans unspeakable. (Paul is that what you mean when you refer to praying in the Spirit ? Yes that was my understanding in 1976 when interceeding without words for China and the Chinese, before I was Baptised in the Spirit in Sept 77) Examining hearts knowing the intellect of the Spirit of God interceeds for the Special (ones) Knowing those who love God everything working with them for good by the calling and set before them. Knowing before, decided before, changed into the likeness of his descendant, he the firstborn of many brothers who he before knew. These were called, called these were accepted, accepted they triumphed. What can we say about this? If God is for us who is against us ? See his own descendant he didn't aquit but for us all handed him over. What more can he gift ? Who can accuse the chosen of God ? God who accepts. Who is judged? The Anointed died instead, reawakened from death at the right side of God who discusses with him for us.
Who can divide us from the love of the Anointed ? Distress, anxiousness, persecution, hunger, nakedness, danger, guns ? The bible says 'For your sake we are killed all day long; Accounted as sheep for slaughter' Ps 44:22 But in all this we totally conquered by him who loved us. Convinced that Not death, or life, messangers (OK Ed!) -angels, establishers, powers, here today or there tomorrow, lifted up or depth, dominion or anything else is able to divide us from the love of God in Anointed Yeshua our Master. 9 I tell you the truth by the Anointed, I'm not lying and testifying with me my conscience and the Special Spirit greatly burdened with automatic torment in my heart. I pray that I could be cursed to be that from the Anointed for my brothers my flesh relatives. They are Israeli, their fostering, triumph and agreements the law giving, the service, the promise, the flesh ancestors of the Anointed who is over all God honored continually. Let it be! But the word of God has not fallen. 'Not Israel'-the Israelis, not because they are the sperm of Abraham are his children 'But in Issac your sperm is called' (Gen 21:12) Se we have not flesh children, the children of God because the children of promise are accounted for the sperm. the promise of his words being 'The season coming there is for Sarah' Gen 18:10 Not alone but Rebecca had by one bed play with Issac our ancestor. So not even born nor any exploits good or evil, by the choice of God set before, remaining not by effort but his call told her 'The greater slave of the lesser' (Gen 25:23) Or as the Bible says 'Jacob I love Esau I hate' (Malachi 1:2/3) What can we say ? God is not right? No Way! Moses he says 'I have kindness, kindness and mercy when I have mercy' (Exodus 33:19) Then not his will or him who runs but the kindness of God. The Bible says to Pharaoh this 'I raised you up so that in you demonstrate my power so my name is advertised in all the earth' Exodus 9:16 (Yes we have heard what happened here at the very ends of the earth-Ed) So -will on have kindness, and will on harden. you will say to me; Why still blame the intent of forcing against him? Indeed Sir God cannot answer that! (Well in Islam we call it Inshallah-Ed) 'The molded says to the mold why make me like this ?' Isa 29:16 Has the potter power over the clay out of the mixture making one thing honor another thing insult. If God would demonstrate anger and his power carried in a patience thing; Anger re-established for destruction knowing the richness of his triumph of kind things prepared for triumph. He called us not only Jews but from the nations. In the Bible Hosea says; 'I'm calling those not my people- my people, not loved-loved' (Hosea 2:23) And 'it will be the place it was said to them, not my people your mine there called God's living sons' (Hosea 1:10) Isaiah (In the Bible-Ed) cries about Israel 'If the number of the sons of Israel is the sand of th sea, the left over delievered. word brings to an end and cuts up the Master does that on earth' (Isaiah 10:22/23) Isaiah said previously; 'If the Master of Hosts left us as a seed we would become as Sodom and made like Gomorrah' (Isaiah 1:9) OK What to say? The nations that don't,chasing after being right caught being right by faith. Israel chased after with the being right not anticipating a law of being of right. Why ? Well not by faith but by the effort law. Stumbling at the stumbling stone. the Bible says; 'Look I put in Zion a stumbling stone a rock to trip you up, all who believe on him are not ashamed' (Isa 8:14/28:16)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Romans 6

What to say ? Continuing in failure so that reward can get all it wanted ? No Way! We died to failure why then live in it ? Carn't you understand how immersed with Anointed Yeshua with his death; We were immersed. We are buried with him so then immersed into his death then reawakened. The Anointed from death by the triumph of the father so be living in innovative life. If brought together becoming we shall be the same in his death as well as in his rasing. And knowing our old man was stood upright (in death) impotent, the body of failure, long a slave to failure. That in dead we are put right from failure.
If dead with the Anointed believing that as well alive with him; Knowing the Anointed awakened out of death no more dies. Death no more master over him. Dying for failure, dying ultimately but Life; Life to God. So you account yourselves dead, indeed to failure. Alive to God in Anointed Yeshua our Master. Don't let failure govern in your liable to die body; Obediant to it's lusts. Neither present your body parts as devices not right for failure but present yourselves to God from death -alive and your body parts devices of right of God. For failure will not master you because you are not into law but into reward. OK!
Failures because we are not into law but into reward ? No way! Don't you know to present yourselves as slaves for obediance, slaves to him you obey either failure to death or obediance to being right, God's reward. You were slaves to failure.But from the heart obeying, giving you a pattern teaching. Set free from failure; Slaves to being right !
Mankind speaks about the inherent weakness of the flesh because presented your body parts: Slaves to dirty minds, no law, becoming lawless but now present your body parts slaves to being right, to being special.
When in slavery to failure you were free from being right. What results did you have ? Are you now ashamed ? The end of that-death. But now free from failure enslaved to God the result being special and the end contining life. For the wages of failure-death: But the reward of God-Life continuing in Anointed Yeshua our Master. 7 Don't you know brothers;
Knowing the law I tell you; The law has mastery over a man for as long as time lives. A woman under a man is bound to the the living- by law. But if the male partner dies the law is impotent for that male partner. If the male partner is living she will be called unfaithful if she is partner to another man. If the male partner dies she is free from the law. She wouldn't be unfaithful having another male partner.
My brothers you were made dead to the law by the body of the Anointed becoming another who was from dead reawakened thus brings results from God.
When in the flesh the fate of failure through the law produced in our body parts, resulting in death. But now the law impotent which has grabbed hold of us -died; We enslaved in the innovation of spirit not the old fashioned document.
What to say ? Law-Failure? No Way! But I didn't know failure- only by the law. For example-Lust. I didn't know- only when the law spoke to me 'Don't lust'
Failure taking a hub, by the requirements, makes in me all lust. Without law-failure died!
Once I was living without the law. When regulation came failure came alive again but I died!
Regulation for living; Instead for me dying !
Failure presented, taking the regulations and tricked me and killed.
The law is special, the regulation special, right good. How come then my good became death ? No Way! But failure appeared as failure by what was good for me making death. So becoming superior failure- failure by regulation.
Knowing the law is spiritual, but the flesh traded under failure. What makes this-I don't know. I would, but No; I do what I hate. If I would not; Is what I do, I agree with the law. A beautiful discovery! So I am not making him but inhabiting failure. I know that in my flesh good isn't housed, so lurking within me and not making the beautiful discovery. What I would -doing good-I wouldn't. Evil I do instead! If I will not but I do it; I am not making him but inhabiting me is failure. Discovering the law; wWill I do the beautiful when evil is lurking ? The law of God rejoices together down inside mankind. Seeing another law in body parts leading captive to the law of failure in the body parts, I am a wretched man. Who will rescue me out of this body of death ? I thank God by Yeshua Anointed our master for myself I will be enslaved to God's law. In the flesh law-failure.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Romans 4

OK what can we say -Abrahan our father in the flesh ? If Abraham by effort was accepted he can celebrate but not in God. The Bible says 'Abraham believed God and was accounted to him as being right' Gen 15:6 When someone works the wages is not accounted as reward but it is a debt. Those who don't work but believe on him who puts right, the disrespectful are accounted by their faith right (Ed there appears to be hope for you here despite your fellow Editors going to jail these days for what they do.) Just as David says, Man is blessed who God accounts as being right without effort 'Happy are those leaving- lawless, their failure covered. Happy is the man whose failure the Master discounts' Ps 32:1/2 We tell you that Abrahan was accounted right by faith. So how was it reasoned ? (Hey! What are you doing ? In three verses you have translated the same Greek word three different ways; Accounted, Discount and now Reasoned-Ed Sorry I promise not to do that again-paul) So how was it accounted ? With a surgical cut or without a surgical cut ? Well not with a surgical cut, but without a surgical cut! The indication he recieved; The surgical cut being the seal for being right by faith which he had when not surgically cut. For him to be the father of all who believe when not surgically cut it was accounted to them as being right. And as father of the surgically cut and those not surgically cut, alone, but as well those that march in the step following the not surgically cut; Our father Abraham.
The promise to Abraham that by his sperm the winner for the ordered arrangement; Was not by the law. But by the rightness of faith. If by the law-winners; Thats empty faith impotent promise.! The law makes anger. Where there is not law then no deviation either. It is faith so that the reward is the certian promise for all the sperm. Not just the law alone, but also faith, Abraham the father of us all. The Bible says; 'I have made you father of the nations' Gen 17:5 (Thats good because here in New Zealand we have all the nations gathered-Ed) Opposite God in who he believed, who enlivens the dead and calls that which is not as being. Who with hope in hope believed. (Now what are you believing for which is not as being?-Ed Restoration of our family so that my children are doing things with their Exclusive Brethren cousins who live here in Favona) For him to become father of many nations by what had been given; 'It shall be your sperm' Genesis 15:5 He wasn't weak in faith, not thinking that his body was now dead. One hundred years already and the deadness of Sarah's womb. the promise of God he did not see the difference of unbelief but was empowered by faith giving the reward to God and completely that he would do it by His power. 'So he accounted him right' Genesis 15:6 This is not written for him alone. It was accounted to him and to us intending, accounted to believe on him who reawakened Yeshua our master out of death who was handed over for the mistake and was reawakened to make us right. 5 Put right by faith we have harmony to God by our Master Yeshua Anointed. By him bringing to this experience of reward rejoicing in hope of the triumph of God. Not alone but also rejoicing in distress having seen that distress, makes endurance. And the endurance makes approval, approval hope and the hope unashamed because of the love of God poured out in our hearts by the Special Spirit given to us. While still being weak the Anointed died in season for the disrespectfull. Hardly for a right man anyone will die; For a good perhaps dare to die. How much more being right by his blood delievered by him from the anger. If the hated are being exchanged with God by the death of his descendant how much more the exchange liberated by his life. (Ed! There is hope for your liberation from a useless life-love paul) Not alone but also rejoicing in God by our Master Yeshua Anointed the exchange taking place. By one man failure came into the ordered arrangement and by failure-Death: And so all mankind dies spreading because all failed! Before law there was failure in the ordered arrangement. Failure does not change where there is no law. However death governs from Adam to Moses on those who haven't failed with the same deviation. Adam is a pattern of the coming. By one mistake many died then much greater the reward of God the gift. In the reward which is one man Yeshua Anointed to a great many. Not by one failure and and the gift ? The judgement of one for a penalty. The gift for a great many mistakes so right rules. If by one mistake-death governed; By one-a great many, then much more greater reward and gift of being right taken in the life governing by the one Yeshua Anointed. Then by one mistake came to all men the penalty so as well by one making right for all men to right ruling life. By the disobediance of one man, that results in failures of many. Law sneaked in so that the mistake would get all it wanted. Failure got all it wanted. Reward over that getting even more!
Failure governed with death but as well the reward governed by the right way for continuing life in Yeshua Anointed our Master.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Romans 2

2. So mankind is without excuse. All judging- In the way you judge others yourself are judged (Matt 7:1/2) We see the judgment of God is by truth based on actions. Mankind reason this out: You judge things, your actions, doing them. Can you escape God's Judgement ? His many luxuries, respite and the patience you think nothing of it. Don't you know the luxury of God is for repentance ?
But brazenness, stubborn heart investing yourself in anger. A time of anger and disclousure- God's right judgement. Repayment of each ones efforts. Evidence in good effort-reward, triumph and the values of the indestructable life continuing we search for. But for the trouble makers and those who refuse the truth -obey what is not right, rage and anger distressed anxiousness in the life of every man who makes evil. Jews first and Greeks (Is that why we are learning Greek these days so we can be judged?-Ed) God has no favourites. Those with no law failed and with no law perish. Those with law fail and by the law are judged. Its not listening to the law who are right with God but doers of the law put right. The nations with no law have nature doing things of the law but not having the law. They demonstrate the efforts of the written law in the hearts giving testimony in their conscience. The reasoning- Prosecution or defence at the time when God judges the hidden things of men by the Good News of Yeshua Anointed.
Anyway if your reputation rests on being a Jew; You rejoice and appreciate being instructed from the law convinced you are a guide to the blind, light in the dark, coach of those lacking intellect, teacher of little children with the style of knowledge and truth in the law. You teach others-Teach yourself ! Explain 'don't steal'- Thief! Say 'Don't be an adulterer' Adulterer! You destest image but steal from temples! -(What is all that about?-Ed Well one example is the clebration of Easter. It is supposed to be about Yeshua but uses the name of the Babylonian god, Nimrod's mum with the title Ishtar, a position fortunately God has already out flanked with the book of Esther-paul )(erosuleis-sacrilidge)
In the law you rejoice, observor of the law insulting God. 'The reputation of God you mock in the nations' Isa 52:5 as the bible says. Surgical cutting (Jews do it-Ed Yes it was done to me. Put that thing away!-Ed) is really helpful if you do the law. But if you are an observor your surgical cut has become No surgical cut. If a 'No surgical cut' keeps the rights of the law he isn't a 'No surgical cut' but has a 'Surgical cut' discount. Judge the nature of 'No surgical cut' completing the law compared with; The document and 'Surgical cut' being an observor. Hidden- A Jew ? A hidden Jew with a surgically cut heart heart and spirit but no document. You see the praise is not from men but from God. 3. What is it to be ? Much more a Jew ? What is the help of a surgical cut ? (Hygine ?-Ed) Lots in all sorts of ways. First for they were trusted with the Word of God. So what if some don't believe. Their unbelief - Does that make faith in God impotent ? No Way! Let God be true and every man a liar. As the Bible says; 'That you be accepted in your words and come out on top in judgement' Ps 116:11 If our not being right recommends God being right how do we explain it ? 'God being not right brings down anger'. I speak here as men do.(This phrase is critical to speaking to Islamic theologians-Ed) No Way! Because God will judge the civilisation. (Arabic word-Dunia-Ed) If for the truth of God my lie; Much more then makes his triumph, yet as well as a failure -I am judged. Not mocking! As some some are claiming saying 'Lets do evil so that good can come!' -Right will be their judgement. So what? Are we better ? No Way! (That was difficult to understand but is critical for very religious societies-Ed)
Previously we have proved that both Jews and Greeks have all failed as the Bible says;
'There is no one right, no one. Not getting it. Failing to investigate God. All turned aside, a waste not being delightful. No one. Their throat like an open grave, their tongues used for deciet, snake poison under their lips, a mouth full of cursing and bitterness. sharp feet poured out blood, farctured wretched is their way. The way of Harmony (OK is this Taoism or Chi?-Ed) they don't know. No fear of God before their eyes (Ps 14:1-3, 53:1-3, Eccles 7:20. Ps 5:9, Ps 140:3 Ps 10:7 Isa 59:7'8 Ps 36:1)
We know the law says to those in the law, Tt speaks that every mouth is blocked. The whole of civilisation brought to trial before God because the effort of the law is not acceptable. Any flesh before him. The law brings knowledge of failure.
However apart from the law the right of God is revealed, testified to be by the law and the prophets. The right way of God through faith-Yeshua Anointed for all and on all who believe. No distinction, all failed. short of the triumphs of God accepted, He present to us our reward through the buy back which is Yeshua Anointed who God put up as a place of mercy by faith, in his blood proof of his being right in dismissing the previous failure. The respite of God proof of his right way Now-season for being put right and accepting that which is faith in Yeshua.
Where now the rejoicing ? Is it excluded through the law ? Or Effort?
No. But through a law of faith; Accounted by faith accepting mankind without the effort of the law.
Is God only for the Jews ? Not for the nations ? Yes for the nations! (Thats a relief our god here in New Zealand is the 'God of nations' -Ed)
Indeed only God puts right surgical cutting by faith,; And not surgically cut by faith.
Law then impotent through faith ? No Way By law we stand.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Romans 1

Paul, slave of Yeshua Anointed called sent marked out for God's Good News promised by the prophets in special books about the descendant. He who came from the sperm of David-speaking of the flesh here; But decided Son of God in power by the Special Spirit raised from the dead Yeshua Anointed our master through whom we take reward and sending, obediance, faith for all the nations under his reputation from whom you were called Yeshua Anointed.
To all in Rome loved by God called to be special. Reward to you, God's harmony, Father and Master Yeshua Anointed. First I thank my God through Yeshua Anointed for all of you. Your faith is announced in all civilisation. My testimony is God whom I serve, in the spirit of the Good News of his descendnat, automatically remembering always in my prayers asking that every which way I will make good progress by God's will in coming to you. I desire to see you. Your share of the spiritual reward set in place. That will help both of us and you and I our faith together. However brothers you carn't understand how many times I set out to come to you but I was prevented to come. the result being that with you I get the other nations (Isn't it a fact that the Church of England was established right there in Rome at the beginning when elite Roman soldiers who then went to England were converted and taught by Paul-Ed Well the Church of England people have evidence for that view-paul) Greeks and natives, wise and stupid, I am in debt! I am willing as you are to share in Rome the Good News of the anointed. The power of God for deliverance for all who believe. Jews first and Greeks. what is right for God revealed by faith to faith. As the book says; 'By faith the right live' Habbukuk 2:4
God's anger is revealed from heaven on all which is disrespectful and isn't right, men who don't hold the truth rightly. What we can know about God is revealed.
For them God to them revealed! Undiscernable are his dominion in ordered arrangement things made comprehended looking down on them (Like through a electron microscope ?-Ed) Everlasting his power and God nature leaving them without excuse knowing God they haven't triumped him or thanked him but with foolish darkend thinking lacking heart understanding, claiming to be wise became fools exchanging the triumph of the indestructable into destructable, a mockery of man, birds, animals, reptiles. So God gave them up to a dirty mind, lust of the heart, dishonoring their bodies with themselves exchanging the truth of God into a lie. Paying homage and working for the dominion instead of the denominator who is honored continually. Amen
God gave them up to fate, loss of dignity and as well women changed their natural use to that which isn't a natural need for a woman, the same (Hey isn't that word in Greek-Homo?-Ed) males as well leaving natural fucking with women (Well use of that word in the bible is a world first!-Ed It is what the word means-paul) Instead burning with lust with each other, males with males making shame they recieved the payback for their wandering off. As they didn't appreciate God because of their knowledge God gave them up to a discarded mind being anti- social completely not right, having sexual fanatasy, wickedness, greed, badness, full of envy, murder, arguements, deciet and spite, whispering, speaking evil, God hating, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, rebellious to fathers, lacking understanding, divorcing, without natural affection, always fighting.
God the right ruling knew they were doing things, fair value for death but not only them but those who approve as well. (Good News from London England !- The News of the World newspaper which has given us Editors a bad name for 168 years has finally closed down!-Ed)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Hebrews Final

So that much more we have chained to us a crowd of those giving testimony. Ballast to be thrown overboard; Easily sinking failure. Endurance- running in the present contest by faith Gazing towards the establisher and completion-Yeshua. Presented, endured the upright (death) degraded but thought nothing of that settled down at the right of the head office of God. Think constantly of him. He endured so much from those failures who argue against things; Neither giving up nor depressed. You haven't got to the place of blood struggling against failure; And don't miss seeing the lifeguard who debates which are sons. My son don't trivalise the upbing of Master, nor giving up when he blames you. Who he loves the Master educates, corrects all the sons he accepts. If you come under and endure education then God is offering you the status of a son. The son he doesn't educate, Is he then a father ? But if you lack education which makes us friends then you have a second rate birthright and aren't sons. Our human/flesh fathers have educated us and we are ashamed of them. How much more coming under the father of spirits and having life! For a short time it is good for them to educate only to bring us together to have a share in His specialness. But education now doesn't seem like joy rather a grief. Later the repayment is the harmony of being right. (A bit New Agey don't you think-Ed) So we have limp hands and paralyzed knees set right; Isa 35:3 Paths constructed straight for our feet Proverbs 4:26 So that the invalid is sidetracked ? No! Instead healed!
Drive in harmony with everyone and with specialness; without that no one will see the Master. Looking out so that later the reward of God will come; Or else you will be producing a root of bitterness and through that becoming unclean, immoral defiled like Esau who for a meal repayed his birthright. You know afterwards he would be the winner of the good word but instead was discarded. No place of repentance although with weeping searched for it.
We have not come to an untouchable mountain (Isn't that 'Jabal Allah' in Arabia- you carn't go there-Ed Yes and those who have seen it say that it is scorched-paul) scorched with fire, obscurity, darkness and storm the trumpet blast hearing the Command speaking, so that they begged that they wouldn't be lectured by the word. Don't bring that direction. If a wild animal touched the mounatin it had stones thrown at it or was shot through with a bullet. So fearful were the spectators that even Moses said 'I was terrified and in shock'
Instead we have come to Mt Zion, City of God, live Jerusalem, heavenly with millions of angels; at the scheduled event; Called out gathering of the first born in heaven in a census-registered with God judging all the spirits of the 'right' completed with the agreement of the abitrator Yeshua. Sprinkled blood speaking better than Abel. See that you don't avoid him that speaks. If they didn't flee from the one on earth, avoiding the command on earth how much more for us if we pervert heaven. The voice that shook the earth now promises saying;'Yet again will I shake not just earth but heaven as well' Haggai 2:6. The 'yet again' indicates things shaken shifting made things so the remaining are not shaken. We have been given an unshakable government, we have reward so we can acceptably work for God with fear and deep humility. Our God is a consuming fire. Remain in friendship as brothers. Don't forget making friends with aliens ( I put that in just for you Ed-paul) Disguised some have entertained messengers. (Shouldn't that word be 'angels' ?-Ed OK have it your way; David Cameron employed a News of the World Editor as his hit man-Entertained Editors) Remember (those at Guantanmo Bay-Ed) detainees bound with us being (Waterboarded-Ed Well at least if you waterboard a Muslim brother that makes him acceptably a part of the church because he has been properly baptised- so we Must pray for these men God will hold us responsible if we haven't been-paul ) tortured as it was our body. Value marriage, all of it bed play is faultless. Immorality and adultery God will judge. Don't go after culture, be content with the present. He said 'I will not leave nor leave behind' Duet 31:6 Confident we cand say 'Master is my help I will not be afraid, what can man do?' Ps 118:6 Remeber those ruling over you who spoke God's word to you. Consider the wayout, their turn around. Imitate their faith. Yeshua Anointed-Yesterday today the same adn continuing. Don't be swept along by various foreign (American Kingdom Now?-Ed No believing in Aliens-paul) teachings. Excellent reward confirms the heart rather than foods which don't help those who live by that. We have a place of sacrifice where we eat. those who work for the structure/organisation lack that authority. The establishing priest brings in animals blood for failure into the special place and the bodies are burned outside the barracks. But Yeshua made special by his own blood outside the gate met his fate. So then we should go out to him, outside the barracks wearing his rejection. We don't have a remaining city but the coming we are searching for. By him carrying, sacrificing, lifting up continually to God the result of lips recognizing his name. Generous sharing undisguised because that is sacrificing acceptable to God. Convince rulers over you to stay away because they carn't sleep having to write an account on your lives. Rather with reward than with disgust that would be advantageous for you. Pray for us convinced that we have an excellent conscience in everything excellent we will return (What does that mean-Ed I don't know I'm praying for the meaning of those words-paul) And greatly more I will be quickly restored to you. God of harmony who brought back from the dead the shepherd of the sheep, great in blood the continuing agreement; Our master Yeshua. Resestablish you in every good effort doing his will, doing in you, acceptable before him in Yeshua Anointed the triumph of continuing into continuing. Let it Be! Brothers I tell you put up with the word of the lifeguard and those few words I have written to you. I want you to know our brother Timothy has been dismissed so I will come to see you with him quickly. Say helolo to all your 'over-riders' (What's that about-Ed I will explain the word after we finish in a secial note-paul) and all the special ones. Hellow to everyone ther in Italy (Yes and they won the World Cup too-Ed) May the reward be yours. Let it Be!

Note. In the mid to late 70s every time the Chinese government held a banquet and then in a speech used the word 'Ba Qi' the Vietnamese would get up and leave their meal uneaten... Which had all the other diplomats reaching for their dictionary and a new word came into English out of Greek- Hegemony. But what does it mean ? And in this final note at the end of Hebrews to who does it apply ?
Here in this chapter almost uniquely in bible writing it is used three times in three different ways. I have translated it as 'over-ride' or 'ruling over you' Now until I translated this; My theory about this chapter- demolished by my now translating it; Was that verse seven was a different scale and type of leadership from verse seventeen. But then we have the icing on the cake so to speak with the word finally used in verse 24. As a chapter there is dynamic balance of tension in the words used here between some kind of 'hegemony-rule which see people put in places like Guantanmo Bay so that St Paul and Timothy both cannot come, and they have to write a letter instead and respect for that rule. The highest point of this entire chapter is verse 13 where even Yeshua has his blood poured out on the ground as is his fate- and we should go outside the gate, outside of the barracks and share his rejection with him.
Now when Luther wrote his German bible he did it under protective custodacy in a prison cell in a German castle. For myself I cannot enter any Pentecostal megachurch or for that matter any Charismatic church where the special spirit is supposely allowed to be seen to be at work because my Pastor whom I deeply love excluded me from fellowship in the 'church' so like Luther I am now out in the cold.
If you read all my blogs (All our blogs- you couldn't have done them without me-Ed) You will see a progression of ideas which begins with a deep concern about the vulmerability of Singapore as typically the first city that will collapse, and then not far beyond that Auckland New Zealand when the Chinese Liberation Army decide as they have indicated they intent to do- decide finally to liberate me from this body of mine because I am a treat to their rejecting any God except themselves (When St Paul writes of the Anti christ coming into the temple and taking over that is exactly what happened at Tian-an-men in the Cultural Revolution with Mao being worshiped) rulership-hegemony in this part of the world. My work then in translating and our understanding the meaning of this final chapter as indeed and earlier work to get the entire Chinese Dictionary needed to be able to read and write and develop those skills into 40 pages is literally for me as a translator of languages is a life and death matter, and so the blog -fits as a vital component into this package of material needed for us to be able to know God's will in these next three critical years 2011-2014 Lets pray:
Dear God you see us here in 2011 in this ends of the earth nation for all nations or in all the nations where we read this blog. Speak to us now clearly from your book and help us by your spirit to make the adjustments we need to so that your government will come in our lives and in our nations and in your church. We now confess to you any failures that occur to us right now, forgive those who persecute and abuse us, or who intent to kill persecute and abuse us- we genuinely love those people who ever they may be. Your government and your will be done.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hebrews 4b

Accounting that inspite of being dead was able to reawaken therefore he recieved an illustration from God.
Faith for the future Issac commended Jacob and Esau.
Faith dying Jacob commendeed each of the sons of Joseph worsipped on the top of his stick. (A double meaning?-Ed think what ever you like-paul)
Faith Joseph finished but thinking about the exit of the descendants of Israel gave instructions for the disposal of his bones.
Faith Moses born hidden three months by his father because he was an urban child (What does that mean ? I don't know but that is what it said-paul) Didn't fear the Kings ruling.
Faith Moses becoming great rejected being called the son of the daughter of Pharaoh instead chose affliction with God's people rather than the seasonal gratification of failure. Greater riches over riding the investments of Egypt. The rejection of the Anointed fixed on the repayment.
Faith abandoned egypt fearing the King's anger, the unseen he saw and he was patient.
Faith made the 'paska' (What's that ?-Ed I think it is Hebrew for 'passover'-paul) pouring the blood on or else the destroyer of the first born would touch them.
Faith crossed over the Red Sea through the dry which the Egyptians making an attempt were swallowed up.
Faith the walls of Jericho fell circling around seven times. (Ed did I ever tell you the amazing story of how the New Zealand army came down a goat track single file and took Jericho at the time of the Almond Blossum Spring 1918)
Faith Rahab the slut wasn't annihilated with the rebellious instead received the researchers with harmony. (Well that certianly puts a spin on it!-Ed Well peace isn't quite the right word)
What else can we say here ? I have failed to say about the time of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David and yes Samuel for the prophets.
By faith overwhellmed governments enforced right, settled on promises, closed lions mouths smothered the power of fire, escaped the mouth of the sword, enpowered when weak became fit for war, raiders of aliens (HEY stop, King James said 'Aliens put to flight' which proves the existence of UFOs known about in the bible-Ed Well whatever you get out of it- good on ya!)
aliens bowed. Women took their dead raised others beaten not accepting ransome payment as an option, hit on a better raising. Others scorn, whippings, took attempts on them as well as detentions and prisons, had stones thrown at them, cut down the middle (Man what kind of list is this ? Is this extracted from the CIA contractors instruction manuel ?-Ed) Tested with murder by the sword. Died; Went around in sheep and goat skins, remaining short of things, under pressure, abused. They wer not fair value for civilisation. Wandered off into deserts (Yes Cabel and French found a place in Xinjiang with the name Ephesus dating back to Christians arriving from Turkey to China in the very first centuries of this Common Era-Ed) mountains and caves live in holes in the ground. (Exactly what we found in that part of China-Ed) All gave testimony; Faith yet didn't recieve the promise. For us God has something better they looking forward but not without us, complete.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hebrews 4a

Shadow of the coming good, the Law is just a likeness of actions; Year after year with the same sacrifices offering. Forever never able to approach completion consequently they have never stopped making offerings because if they had there would have been nothing needed for a conscience clear of failure. Instead year after year there is a reminder of this failure.
Impossible as it is for the blood of bulls and goats to remove failure, so when he enters into the ordered arrangment (Ed- don't you mean 'cosmos' Yes but my readers don't understand Greek and they might think it is a place where aliens live-paul) Says; 'Sacrifices and offerings you did not want. A body re-established burnt offerings etc for failure you were not happy with. I said Look I come with the headline of the book written about me, God I do your will' Ps 40:6-8
Now above he said 'Sacrifices and offerings or burnt offerings etc for failure you didn't want or were happy with' (Which by the Law are offered) Then he said 'Look I cone to do your will God' so he kills the first to establish the second by this will we are pure with the offering of the body of Anointed Yeshua.
Ultimately every priest stands day by day doing priesthood duty frequently the same offering sacrifices which are never able to take away failure. But he offered sacrifice for failure forever then settled down at the right of God from now to received the hated places as a stage for his feet. By one offering completed forever special. This Special Spirit is our testimony saying first 'This is the arrangement which I will arrange for them after thoses days' Jer 31:33 The master says 'Giving my Law written into their minds and hearts, their failure and their being against the Law -I won't remember that' Jer 31:34 But with dismissal; No more offering for failure ! Having assurance brothers to enter the Special place by the blood of Yeshua by which he opened a new and living way through the covering- By his flesh. A great priest over the house of God. So approach with a genuine heart, with complete faith, hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience washed with clear water. Grab hold the recognition of the hope, unbending his promised faith. Consider annoying each other to love and excellent efforts. And don't leave behind our coming together, the tradition of some but talk with (parakleo) each other much more as you see the approaching time. If we willingly fail after taking the knowledge of the truth there is no more sacrifice left for failure. (This may well blow apart the idea some have of everyone getting to heaven-Ed I don't know i just translate stuff as i find it-paul) Fear! Expect Judgment! And fire, passion which will eat the antagonists. Rejection of the Law of Moses and without mercy (on the word) two or three- Death! Much more we should think it would be worse for them deserving assistance who have trampled the blood of the descendant of God; Made common the special arrangment, mocked the spirit's gift. We know who said 'Vengance is mine I will reciprocate says the Master' Deut 32:35 And again the Master will judge his people; Fear falling into the hands of the living God, remember the previous time when you recieving enlightemment, enduring competition, our fate sometimes rejection and sufferings publicly watched (Yes I want to say something about that, did you know that they watch us by tracking our movements when we carry a cell phone-Ed) and sometimes sharing with those becoming turned. Joining with those in detention sympathetic to their plight. Joy when your material wealth is robbed knowing you have a better material wealth in heaven remaining. Don't throw away you assurance it has a great repayment. Endurance you need doing the will of God you recieve the promise. 'And so, how much how many, the coming one comes no delay' Isa 26:20 For the right by faith live but if in holding back life will not be happy with them' Heb 2:3/4 We are not those who hold back to destruction but by faith belonging have life. 11
Faith is trust undergirding actions, the blame not seen, the testimony of elders.
Faith comprehends the continuing, the re-establishment by the command of God, so not appearing yet seen to become.
Faith a much better sacrifice by Abel than Cain offered to God testimony to being right, testimony that his gifts to God and in his death he yet speaks.
Faith Enoch (Was a translator-Ed) Shifted and did not see death, not discovered because God shifted him. Before his shift we have the testimony that he was acceptable to God.
Without faith it is impossible to be acceptable. In trust we approach God, that he is and those who search out for him he repays.
Faith Noah advised about things not yet seen was cautious, prepared a box (Some box the thing was as big as an ocean liner-Ed) delivered his house; The civilisation (Hang on didn't you just translate 'cosmos' as 'ordered arrangement / Which one is it? Ed) Judged but by faith winning becoing right.
Faith Called Abraham obeyed went out to the place he should take for winning, went out not knowing where he was going. Faith dwelt in the land of promise an alien (Ha! Aliens in your bible now-Ed Well 'Allotrious' is someone who cames from some other place and doesn't belong) living in temporary structures. Themselves Issac, Jacob co-winners of the promise recieving the foundation, having a city whose politician and builder is God.
Faith Sarah herself took conception of the sperm, out of season and age; Delivered because of over riding faith in the promise. So from one who was as dead well the stars of the heaven is the fullness, sand on the (land/sea) lips; cannot be counted!
With faith they died without recieving the promise but at a distance they looked and convinced greeting agreeing that they were transients refugees on the earth. Those who say these things were saying we are seeking. If they were remembering that left behind (Were they Raptured-Ed No they died just like I will-paul) they might have gone back. But now reaching out towards that which is better heavenly, so not ashamed of them God, God calls himself theirs preparing for them a city.
Faith Abraham offered Issac, tested. His only born offered up the promise recieved. It was said 'In Issac is called your sperm (Yuk-Ed Wake up we are in the 21st century now-paul)
Calculating (Calculating what-Ed Well you will just have to wait while I translate the next bit!)