Friday, July 29, 2011

Romans 12

I tell you brothers by the mercy of God to offer your bodies a special living sacrifice acceptable to God (Ed lets do that together right now-paul) our intelligent work. Don't be a continuing fashion statement but be translated (Shouldn't that be transformed?-Ed Well as a translator I though you would prefer that-paul) by the renewing of your intellect, approved the will of God-Good acceptable complete. I say by the reward given me with you all, not highly intelligent, intellect but leave intellect- Sensible intellect as God divided out to each a standard of faith. As the body has many body parts as all body parts we are. We don't do the same exploits. So many yet- a body will be in the Anointed each one other body parts will be rewarded by the reward given differently; Be it prophecy by the formula of faith; Working in working or teaching in teaching, talking with others in talking with, sharing with honesty and supervising in urgency with kindness and a sence of humor. (Well we have got the sence of humor-Ed) Love geniunely detest evil. Glued to good, liking others warmth respecting the other to go first. Urgent not holding back, spiritually passionate working in season. Hope happy in distress enduring in prayer never letting go. Sharing the need of the Special Ones chasing after to make friends of strangers. Honor those who chase after you. Honor don't curse. Be happy with those who are happy. Weep with those who weep. The same intellect as others not highly intelligent but with the lower class (Ed should I give up this Bible Translation stunt so as not to make it look like I'm not just another construction worker ?) going with them. Don't be intellectual. Yourself never repaying for evil. Doing right before all men you powerfully being in harmony with all men. My friend don't avenge but give place for anger. The bible says; 'Vengence is mine I will repay says the Master' (Duet 32:35) If your hated is hungry feed him if he is thirsty give him a drink. Doing this is like heads overwhellmed by burning charcoal. Don't come out on top by evil but come on top by good over evil. 13 All life comes under ultimate authority. There is no authority but from God, authority under God. Authority under God's permission. He who battles against authority, God's set up they force against. And forcing against getting judgement. Don't fear establishers for good effort rather for evil. If you don't want to be afraid of authority then do good (This is typical bad translation style which allows for a double meaning in the first statement so that we can be suspicious of both Hitler and Stalin but then it becomes in the second statement up to us-paul) and you have praise for it. God's worker is for good. but if you do evil be afraid. Wearing the gun comes from God, his worker, his anger tracking down those doing evil. (The 'tracking down' is not paraphrase- the Koin Greek actually says that-Ed) You need to come under not only for his anger but as well for conscience. Pay your taxes! Priests of God is what (our Government-Ed) they are, never letting go. Repay all your debts! Tax whatever tax. Completely and I mean completely (Sounds to me as if this Jew boy writing this has had a touch from God-Ed Yes there is a story about that, I tell it to you some time-Luke 19:8-paul) Fear for fear; Respect for respect; Don't be in debt! Except love for each other. Love for the other completes the law. Don't be unfaithful or killing or stealing or false testimony. Dont lust and any other requirement in this Bible is summed up in this; Love your close one as yourself. Love to close one- evil doesn't work. Love completes the Law.
Seeing the season the time, we should reawaken from sleep because the nearer than we believed is delieverance. The night is nearly over, the day approaches, strip off the effort of darkness and clothed with light saber (Ed that should be good for you because now you can fight aliens!-paul) Respectfully walking, not parties, drunk, bedplay, and orgies of hedonsim or trouble making and passion. But clothed with Master Yeshua Anointed. The flesh don't think about or lust after. 14 The sick in faith accept. Not by discrimination or thinking. One believes to eat everything (Yes Ed I saw that with my own eyes in China-paul) The sick eats vegatbles. One eats and the other doesn't eat. Don't judge who God accepts. Judging someone elses domestic. To his master; Stands or Falls. God can make us stand, standing him. Someone judges one day above another day. Another judges everyday. Each in their own mind complete. He who sees the day, the master sees. He that doesn't see the day doesn't see the master. He that eats to the master eats thanking God. He that doesn't eat thanks God. No one lives for himself or dies for himself. If we live for the master live! If we die for the master die! If we live if we die we are the master's. You see the Anointed both died and rose and lives again so that he can rule over both dead and living Why judge your brother ? Do you despise your brother ? All will stand before the stage of the Anointed. The Bible says 'As I live says the Master to me bowed all knees all languages admitting to God' (Isa 9:18) Then each about ourselves giving a word to God. Lets not judge each other instead judge ourselves. Don't lay a stunbling stone for your brother to fall. I know convinced in Master Yeshua nothing is common of itself but accounting it is common- Then it is common. (Did he just used the Greek word for logic in that statement?-Ed Good thing I'm his translator-paul) If for meat my brothers is in grief then living in love, meat will not destroy one who the Anointed died for. No mocking what is good. The government of God is not for eating or drinking but harmony and being right, happy in the special spirit. The salve of the Annointed does this acceptable to God and approved by men. Chase after this harmony building up each other. Not for meat we tear down the effort of God. Everything is clear but evil on the man causing a stunbling stone by eating. It is not right to eat steack and drink wine if in that your brother stunbles, is upset, is sick. You have faith! For yourself seen by God? Blessed he who doesn't judge himself in what is apporved. But in seeing difference if he eats has been judged because it isn't faith. What isn't faith is failure.
15 We are obligated the powerful to carry the sick and the impossible (Yes I have met some of those-Ed) We don't please ourselves instead each of us please our close ones building up for good. the Anointed did not please himself but as the Bible says 'Rejection of rejection fell on me' (Psalms 69:9) You see all that was written for our instruction, written that by endurance and the Life Gurad of the Bible so we have have hope. God of endurance and the Life Guard give you the same intelloigence with each other by the Anointed Jesus so united our voice triumphing in God the father of our Master Yeshua Anointed. So take in addition to each other; As well as the Anointed has accepted us for the triumph of God. I tell you the Anointed worker became surgical cutting for the truth confirming the promise of the ancestors. this I admit in the nations and sing your name. Again it says 'Party nations with his people' (Duet 32:43) and also 'Praise the Master all nations and praise him all people' (Ps 117:1) As well Isaiah says 'there is a root of Jesse that rises establishing nations in him nations hope' (Isa 11:10) (You know Ed, after Emperor Qin China had and Imperial system, written language and customs- such as Chinese New Year which is literally borrowed from the Hebrews! and here New Zealand is lead by a famous Jew) Now the God of hope complete in you joy harmony in your believing excess hope by the power of the special spirit. Convinced brothers and me too about you that you are completely good with knowledge able to remind. I wrote to you brother daringly partially to jog your memory because of the reward which was given to me by God to be a Priest of Yeshua Anointed to the nations an as a slaughtering priest for God's Good News so making the offering to the nations. Welcome made by the special spirit rejoicing in the Anointed Yeshua unto God. I wioll not dare to say what the Anointed has not made by me for obediant nations by the effort of the word in power with indications and terrors-The power of the spirit of God. My tour from Jerusalem to Illyricum completing the Good News of the Anointed. Being highly ambitious to share Good News wher ethe Anointed was not named. Not building on anothers foundation. Instead the Bible says 'Who is was not reported about, him has seen and what was not heard they get it' (Isa 52:1) So that hamstrung many times from visiting you no longer having a place in the parts, now desiring to visit you for many years....when I travel to Spain I will visit you, I hope travelling through to see you, And by you sent out first part filled. Now travelling to Jerusalem working for the special people happy with the share of Macedonia and Achaia made for the destitute of the special ones in Jerusalem, obligated for the spiritual shared by them for us here in the nations (Yes and I as a New Zealander can agree with that- imagine God sending to the ends of the earth his annointed leader to lead us-Ed) Obligated as we are in the flesh our priesthood duty to minister back to them. Then complete result sealed I will visit you to Spain. i know coming to you complete, good word and Good News the Anointed visiting. Your Life Gurad brothers our Master Yeshua Anointed and by love of the spirit, work together with me in prayers to God that I will be resuced from the 'who refuse' in the Jewish territory and my work in Jerusalem will be welcome by the special people, so in joy I can visit you God willing (Inshallah for those with an Islamic background-Ed) and I can sleep with you. God of harmony be with everyone of you. Let it Be!
16 I recommend to you Phoebe our sister a worker of the called our gathering in Conchreae, recieve her by the Master, she is good value, so special people present her what her actions need. She has mothered many myself included. Greetings to Priscilla and Aquilla my co-workers in anointed Yeshua who have risked their knecks, not only I but all the called out gathering of the nations with the gathering at their house. Greet Epenidus who is the first pick of the Anointed in Achaia. greet Mary who laboured much for us. greet Andronicus and Junias my relatives and joint captives branded, sent ones before me in the Anointed. Greet Amplias my freind in Master. Greet Urbanus our coworkers and Stachys my friend. greet Apelles the accepted in the Anointed. Greet the family Aristobulus. Greet Heodion my realtive. Greet the family of Narcissus who are with the Master. Gret Tryphena and Tryphosa who laboured with the Master. Greet Persia our freind who laboured much with the Master. Greet Rufus the chose with the Master and his and my mother. Greet Asyncitus Phlegon Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and with them brothers. Greet Philologus and Julia, Nercus and his sister Olympia with them and all the special people. greet each other with a special hug. Greet the called out gatherings of the Anointed. I tell you brothers watch out for those 'stand offs' and 'trip ups' with the teaching you learnt- shut them out. Such don't slave for our Master Yeshua anointed but with their own belly and with fancy words and honor (Well thats not us-Ed) tricked the hearts of innocent. Your obediance revealed everyone is happy with you. I wish you wise about good and harmless about evil. the God of harmony shatter Satan under your feet in season. Reward of the Master Yeshua Anointed is yours. Timothy my co-worker and Lucius greet you as well as Jason, Sosipater my relatives. I Tertius who wrote this letter send greetings for the Master. Gaius my foreigner and the called out gathering send greetings. Erastus the city manager and Quartus a brother send greetings. the reward of our Master Yeshua Anointed with you all; Let it Be!
To him power to plant the Good New by my advertising of Yeshua Anointed. Disclosure of confidential continuing period, unknown but revealed by the Bible prophets, by the ruling of God continuing for faith obediance for all the nations revealed; Alone wise God in Yeshua Anointed be triumph continuing-Let it Be!


  1. We have now completed St Pauls attempt to convince us that Israel is not rejected by God as Luther was saying in his comments which lead in Germany to the Holocaust (Jews being the greatest enemy of our lord and the need to burn synagogues-Ed)
    On the contary there has been since the early 90s a revival sweeping through the Orthodox Jewish community founded as it has been on a Chrismatic/Spiritual appreciation of the Torah. And dare I say it in a similar time span Islam has been in some sort of revival as well.
    Thus we have three religions all wanting the same leadership of True Religion.
    Well... has anyone asked God?
    And yes God is doing thnings which he has not told his Mega Church Christian leaders because if he did tell them and they obeyed... Or rather the early writings of Rick Joyner give some sort of insight into the degrees of humility required for the next phase of human history.
    Basic however for us is knowledge of this book!
    Our name and reputation in Islam is Ahal Al Kutabu and we are literally in those words covenanted to this book. It is all we have in terms of Quran Sura6:155/156 teaching Islam the bible so that together S3:101 'holding together the rope' we can do what God wants for the King found at the end of the Quran Malik Annas.
    Pray with me to him; Lord God creator and sustainer of the universe, these days the nations are in tumult not paying attention to your annointed servant who by his own blood made a covenant way so that we can be your friends and slaves- Abdullah. We ask you now to guide us in our every day lives so that we do and say the things you want us to do. Meet the people you want us to meet. And have an indication as to where we should direct our lives in the difficult days ahead. Amen.

  2. Lord God sustainer of life, Sustainer of order, the universe Lamb of God slain precious blood lucky Red on the doors of the houses of China at New Year as now the messenger of death is sent forth to bring rivers of blood a slaughter of mankind overstepping her boundaries; Xijang, Xinjiang, Mongolia, South China sea belonging to surrounding peoples.
    Lord God we now come to the place of sacrifice for us as blog readers the first verse of Romans chapter 12. Bloody sacrifice- your blood freely poured out for us,and a mankind despising Jews the covenant of Abraham through Issac, Israel and Ephraim or just secured for us through you by faith.
    We come to be sacrificed many different body parts.
    Lord we ask you to change now the readership and seriousness with which this blog has been taken. Ceasing at this point to be a forum of debate, options for a translation style and opinions on various meanings.
    Now Oh God signs and wonders, demonstrate your anger even as thousands tens of thousands are coming forward to find you now in this nation in Malaysia, USA and other small places where this new book giving your word is read.
    Oh God demonstrate your seriousness and develop fear and worship for those of us who serve you. Amen

  3. Prepare ye the way of the lord make his path staight.
    I must decrease so that he may increase.
    WRANING This summit here in Romans does mark an editorial change in the way this blog works.
    You have the previous six blogs if you want to see my day to day style education and strange way of approaching life.
    But in order to keep the Bible readable and to the forefront I will condense down all the chapters of Hebrew into a single post with no comment attached. And the same with Romans so that all these comments disappear.
    It is all about construction method.
    When we pour concrete we put up scaffold and form work to contain the concrete going high into the sky- then we remove all that and the finished product emerges. And ofcourse the finished product in this case is just what the Bible says; No comments afterwards and maybe the Editorial stuff about Aliens in the text or the debate Messengers vs Angels will have to go as well. (I hope not-Ed)
    Of course these comments are for you who are working through with me at this time. You are very special people and if we don't meet here then do please come up to me in heaven and tell me how we worked together you in Malaysia or India or Bulgaria or where-ever and me here at the ends of the earth, brothers and sisters covenanted together in this Bible Translation task. But my personal comments to you are just part of the scaffold put up while we work together on this. And in the end at heaven there will be a large group of us as I present you before the throne to our Master as our work in sorting out the problems current in the Bible text so that people in their own languages can actually know and feel the power of a Greek or Hebrew word as delievered by our co workers the prophets who wrote the Bible in the first place beginning with Adam whose signed of text is Gen 2:5-5:2.
    Trust me the Bible contains mistakes but only those which prove it is the Real Deal-genuine the work of those who composed it and have faithfully transfered it to us.(Jer 8:8 is prophetic about the massive number of changes to the Jeremiah text found in the Septuigant Greek and is prophetic against all translators, myself in cluded who have been tempted to put in our favourite doctrine-Aliens!Ya I will rot in hell for putting them in the Bible)
    The Greek text of the NT is in such a mess because it has been through the same 'genesis' as the King James Bible- constantly uprated so that Greek users would get the current understanding of a changing language faithful to the first words put in an 400 year period of rapid social cultural and economic emipire change. So if your dear brother of mine say- King James is the only Bible I will use; Well the 400 year ago King James text trust me you cannot easily read and the words in that text have changed (I know because I cannot find words used in the 1950s text compared to the 1800 text of one of my books). The Hebrew Text of the Bible was not apart from a few very minor fiddles which show up in the Dead Sea scrolls touched. The Hebrew text by the time of Christ was seldom used outside of the Synagogue and rapidly becoming a dead language as Aramaic spoken in the streets was a different dialect. And the Greek Old Testament was the more accessable text being used. Ben Yuhda or some such famous man is the father of the Hebrew language spoken in Israel today. He went back through the Shephardic books and rediscovered and recovered the ancient Hebrew language, and what is spoken in the streets of Jerusalem today is an older Hebrew than that spoken at the time of Yeshua, and if David walked those he streets he would understand and could speak to modern Israeli people. Never in the history of mankind has such a miracle occured so that a dead ancient language becomes the every day language of a brand new people...... With miracles like that to think about we must work on. Thankyou for your prayers, you will get the reward for all of this! love paul
