2. So mankind is without excuse. All judging- In the way you judge others yourself are judged (Matt 7:1/2) We see the judgment of God is by truth based on actions. Mankind reason this out: You judge things, your actions, doing them. Can you escape God's Judgement ? His many luxuries, respite and the patience you think nothing of it. Don't you know the luxury of God is for repentance ?
But brazenness, stubborn heart investing yourself in anger. A time of anger and disclousure- God's right judgement. Repayment of each ones efforts. Evidence in good effort-reward, triumph and the values of the indestructable life continuing we search for. But for the trouble makers and those who refuse the truth -obey what is not right, rage and anger distressed anxiousness in the life of every man who makes evil. Jews first and Greeks (Is that why we are learning Greek these days so we can be judged?-Ed) God has no favourites. Those with no law failed and with no law perish. Those with law fail and by the law are judged. Its not listening to the law who are right with God but doers of the law put right. The nations with no law have nature doing things of the law but not having the law. They demonstrate the efforts of the written law in the hearts giving testimony in their conscience. The reasoning- Prosecution or defence at the time when God judges the hidden things of men by the Good News of Yeshua Anointed.
Anyway if your reputation rests on being a Jew; You rejoice and appreciate being instructed from the law convinced you are a guide to the blind, light in the dark, coach of those lacking intellect, teacher of little children with the style of knowledge and truth in the law. You teach others-Teach yourself ! Explain 'don't steal'- Thief! Say 'Don't be an adulterer' Adulterer! You destest image but steal from temples! -(What is all that about?-Ed Well one example is the clebration of Easter. It is supposed to be about Yeshua but uses the name of the Babylonian god, Nimrod's mum with the title Ishtar, a position fortunately God has already out flanked with the book of Esther-paul )(erosuleis-sacrilidge)
In the law you rejoice, observor of the law insulting God. 'The reputation of God you mock in the nations' Isa 52:5 as the bible says. Surgical cutting (Jews do it-Ed Yes it was done to me. Put that thing away!-Ed) is really helpful if you do the law. But if you are an observor your surgical cut has become No surgical cut. If a 'No surgical cut' keeps the rights of the law he isn't a 'No surgical cut' but has a 'Surgical cut' discount. Judge the nature of 'No surgical cut' completing the law compared with; The document and 'Surgical cut' being an observor. Hidden- A Jew ? A hidden Jew with a surgically cut heart heart and spirit but no document. You see the praise is not from men but from God. 3. What is it to be ? Much more a Jew ? What is the help of a surgical cut ? (Hygine ?-Ed) Lots in all sorts of ways. First for they were trusted with the Word of God. So what if some don't believe. Their unbelief - Does that make faith in God impotent ? No Way! Let God be true and every man a liar. As the Bible says; 'That you be accepted in your words and come out on top in judgement' Ps 116:11 If our not being right recommends God being right how do we explain it ? 'God being not right brings down anger'. I speak here as men do.(This phrase is critical to speaking to Islamic theologians-Ed) No Way! Because God will judge the civilisation. (Arabic word-Dunia-Ed) If for the truth of God my lie; Much more then makes his triumph, yet as well as a failure -I am judged. Not mocking! As some some are claiming saying 'Lets do evil so that good can come!' -Right will be their judgement. So what? Are we better ? No Way! (That was difficult to understand but is critical for very religious societies-Ed)
Previously we have proved that both Jews and Greeks have all failed as the Bible says;
'There is no one right, no one. Not getting it. Failing to investigate God. All turned aside, a waste not being delightful. No one. Their throat like an open grave, their tongues used for deciet, snake poison under their lips, a mouth full of cursing and bitterness. sharp feet poured out blood, farctured wretched is their way. The way of Harmony (OK is this Taoism or Chi?-Ed) they don't know. No fear of God before their eyes (Ps 14:1-3, 53:1-3, Eccles 7:20. Ps 5:9, Ps 140:3 Ps 10:7 Isa 59:7'8 Ps 36:1)
We know the law says to those in the law, Tt speaks that every mouth is blocked. The whole of civilisation brought to trial before God because the effort of the law is not acceptable. Any flesh before him. The law brings knowledge of failure.
However apart from the law the right of God is revealed, testified to be by the law and the prophets. The right way of God through faith-Yeshua Anointed for all and on all who believe. No distinction, all failed. short of the triumphs of God accepted, He present to us our reward through the buy back which is Yeshua Anointed who God put up as a place of mercy by faith, in his blood proof of his being right in dismissing the previous failure. The respite of God proof of his right way Now-season for being put right and accepting that which is faith in Yeshua.
Where now the rejoicing ? Is it excluded through the law ? Or Effort?
No. But through a law of faith; Accounted by faith accepting mankind without the effort of the law.
Is God only for the Jews ? Not for the nations ? Yes for the nations! (Thats a relief our god here in New Zealand is the 'God of nations' -Ed)
Indeed only God puts right surgical cutting by faith,; And not surgically cut by faith.
Law then impotent through faith ? No Way By law we stand.
Before the book 'Lost in Translation' gets lost in the misplaced (mentioned above in this chapter-Ed)Jewish pride in their 'document' and the fog of Jewish gnostism; they make a couple of useful points. There is No Old Testament/Old Covenant and New Testament/New Covenant; read carefully Hebrews and this Roman's translation and you will see that is WRONG and an abuse of what the actual text does say in the Hebrew and Greek words used and understood by someone having a prior to the birth of Yeshua Greek vocab and understanding of those words of Koin common lower class Brut Greek.
ReplyDeleteBut some things are assumed by all but never understood by me because I got meangetis as a two year old and had a brain event so have had to reconstruct things with some parts of the brain still not functioning as they should.
They say that Greek philosphy based on Greek writings assumes that 75% of the text is fanatasy and thus expects the Bible to be the same. Well reading Babylonian cuniform documents I agree. But the Bible is 100% always has been with those trying to destroy the test only for me making my understanding of it better. And they say Greeks have two lines of Hemenuctics (from the Greek god Hermes who creates an image-Ed Yes Ed you know more than I do-paul) Things are either literal or an allegory. My cultural background as a New Zealander has never allowed me to take that commonly held current 'Christian view'. I find it strange. When I went to Bible College of New Zealand I could not understand why people did not believe the book which I found say as in David Wilkerson's book 'Racing for Judgement' -found to be literal true and urgent-The mis named Old Testament. People would talk of Old Testament Prophets! Sorry. Who ? Jeremish is as close to me as St Paul, they both understand things and agree with each other, while it is the message of those who lived before and at the time of the flood over 5,000 years ago like Job whose words (Job 19:23/24) are written forever on stone. These men such as Adam himself (Genesis 2:5-5:2) want/need to speak to us. Are we in a fit state to hear them. To hear God. This sign of this comment is a new and untreatable sexually transmitted disease rending women untreatable infertile.
Look if you cannot and will not hear God's word you will die. Your children and all your generations will die and disappear from this earth. The earth itself has been sinned against in the past 50 years and the Reformation which this Bible Translation forms part is so destructive (Rob Bells deconstructionlism-Ed) so terrible who can stand in this day of judgement. In this chapter IO use the best firt word Leisure. USA that words condemns you now!
Pray with me for the nation of Singapore;
ReplyDeleteGod of nations we the sons of Japheth and maybe of Ephraim confess before you to not having cared deeply for the boat landing on the Malaya coastline called Singapore. We feel guilty for that night in Gallilie when as British Army soldiers we did not come to the aid of a Jewish settlement being attacked and calling for our assistance. And then we came to defend Singapore and failed in that as well. Lord we weep for our past failures to ensure the well being of the peoples who trade through that nodal point on the world's oceans and to secure it's safety and long term until you return as King. Yeshua King of Kings and Lord of Lords come once again as you did with your servants such as John Sung- come now with the Book kept, guarded, preserved by Jews and others. Speak today and in the days ahead from that book. Speak through your firstborn, head, strategic thinking tribe of Ephraim. Take treachery and vice from his heart and head, and establish for the South- for the King of the South A Nan Yang, A Southern Lamb Covenant especially in the institution of that name. Bless all the wise grey and white heads of that place. Speak wisdom to them so that the right things can be done for the defence of Singapore. And bring mighty warriors from the ends of the earth, this time equipped ready willing knowing exactly what to do in terms of strategy and tactics to turn the enemy at the gates. Men like Muri Thompson whom you sent many years ago. And let blood ties, Malaya and Maori, Christian and Muslim be real and deep as we all prepare for the battle which you as Lord of Hosts will lead.
Speak more to us in our hearts and minds on this question/Wen Ti Emperor of Heaven Amen.
Chapter two of Romans now added continues this vital- 'Destructive to the CHristian religion' look at the Law which we began to see developed in the Book of Hebrews (previous posts last month-Ed) As I have said in the comment above, the words New and Old cannot and will not be applied to God's religion because in middle- east/central kingdom based on Sian Shan terms the name and reputation of God- Yahweh is that he is transendent (big word meaning through it all-Ed) time; With not beginning and no end. It is therefore stupid to say that God has decided one system failed and replaced it with another. In the next chapters we are going to see how Abraham secures the promised son by faith and makes what in Islam we call 'The Great Sacrifice'(Sura 37) having faith that God can and will raise from death that sons he is going to offer up. Exciting stuff (Carn't wait-Ed) As God works to make us more middle eastern and having a great respect for things that happened 4 and 5 thousand years ago as if it was tomorrow.