Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Moses does OE as well

Now a man from the tribe of Levi married a daughter of Levi, conceived and she produced a son and when she saw him healthy she hid him for three months. But when she no longer could hide him she made a basket with waterproof materials and put her child in it in the reeds down by the Nile river. the babies sister stood in the distance to see what would happen to him. A Daughter of the Egyptian King went to wash in the Nile with her ladies and walking along the banks of the Nile saqw the basket and sent a slave girl (Hebrew-Amah) to get it. When she opened it she saw the baby; Look a crying child and feeling sorry for him said this must be a Hebrew Child. His sister asked the Egyptian King's daughter; Shall I go and get a woman to breast feed the baby from the Hebrews so she can nurse the baby for you ? The Egyptian kings daughter replied Go, so the girl went and got the mother of the baby. The Egyptian King's daughter said to her Take the baby nurse him and I will pay you for doing that so the woman took the baby and nursed him. The Egyptian Kings daughter took the child when he had grown as he son. and called him Moses because she said 'From the waters I brought him' After the time when he had grown up Moses went out among his brothers aand saw thier work conditions. He saw an Egyptian beating up a Hebrew man his brothers. He looked around saw they were alone and killed the Egyptian hiding him in the sand. Next day he went out and saw two Hebrew men fighting and asked the one in the wrong, why do you hit your workmate ? He replied; who made you the ruler and judge over us, kill me just as you killed the Egyptian. Moses was then afraid. then when the Egyptian King heard he tried to kill Moses. Moses fled from the presence of the Egyptian King and went to the land of Midian and sat by the well. A priest of Midian had seven daughters and they came drew water filled troughs to water their fathers flock. But when other herders came to force them away Moses rescued them and watered their flock. when they came back to Reuel their father asked ho0w come you are back early in the day ? they replied and Egyptian man rescued us from those others and even drew water for us and watered our flock. He asked his daughters Where? Why? Did you leave him (Arabic hospitality-Ed) Invite him in to eat a meal. Moses agreed to stay and the man gave Zipporah his daughter to moses as his wife. She had a son and he named him Gershem because Moses said I am an alien (See aliens in the bible-Ed) in a strange land. During that time the King of Egypt died. And sons of Israel moaned in their slavery crying out and the cry went up to God about the slavery.God heard to moan and he remembered the covenant with Abraham Issac and Jacob. So looking at the sons of Israel God was concerned Now Moses was tending the flocks of his father in law Jethro priest of Midian and he led the flock to the remote part of the desert to Horeb Jabal Allah Now there appeared a messenger of I Am a flame of fire within a bush. He looked and saw the bush was on fire yet the bush wasn't burning up. Moses decided to go over and see this strange sight why the bush burns. When I Am saw that he had bent over to look he called to him God inside the the bush and said Moses Moses.

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